Showing posts with label children yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children yoga. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Anti yoga -Halasana

Anti yoga - Plough Pose. Lie on your back, lift your feet up and let down their head.  The tips of the toes on the floor lean.  The back of the blade to the coccyx should be straight, the feet should also be straightened.  Keep the heels together.  Both hands extend toward the toes.  Stay in the pose Plough to 5 minutes, then slowly lie back back on the floor, gently lowering her vertebrae to vertebrae.  Slowly put your feet on the floor, stretch your arms.  Halasana great fatigue and headaches , has beneficial effects on the nervous system.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Honoring the Sun

The first yoga sequence I ever learned was the Sun Salutation. For years, a version of Sun Salutations, or Surya Namaskar, was a central component of my yoga practice. Somehow, I’d lost that part of my practice. Lately, I’ve been moving from one pose to another, without any flow in between.

This morning I woke up to a brilliant sunrise. Pink and blue and purples. Birds soaring over the tall pine trees outside my window. Lucien still asleep, Neil working quietly downstairs.I made it to my mat and closed my eyes for a short meditation. Then, without thinking or planning, I found myself remembering the rhythms of the salutations. Inhale and bring the arms up, exhale forward. Back to Plank Pose and lower down to Chaturanga. Downward Dog. The breath. Moving into standing poses and then back to the top of the mat for a forward fold.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rates of yoga Two

Yoga Hastapadasana from a prone position (position for the hands and feet).  Starting position - for the main series of poses while lying down.  At the same time with a slow breath in through your nose up transfer straight arms over your head, palms up.  And with the slow and quiet exhalation through the nose should also slowly tear his hands, upper torso and head from the floor, then lean forward and down, so that the forefingers of hands to take up the toes.  The head is between your hands.  The abdomen should be slightly tucked.  In this position you must be at the maximum pause after exhalation to feelings of discomfort.  As your flexibility improves during training, then you will be able to touch his forehead against his knees, and forearms are parallel to the floor to lie on the shins.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Courage before an exam-Yoga

 Triangle Pose. Astraddle and spreading his hands apart, repel the base of the thumb of the right ankle and pull up the left as if you want to get to the ceiling.  The lower part of your body forms a triangle torso is parallel to the floor and your head looking up.  At the same time allot both shoulder blades back and point to the waist.  Your chest is expanded at the same time.  Repeat in opposite direction.  Treguolnika posture eliminates the fear, determination and brings peace of mind.
First Warrior Pose has the same effect.  To accept this position, you must first get up in Tadasanu, posture Mountains: Stand straight, arms down along the hips, feet shoulder width apart, weight evenly distributed on both feet.  Tadasany of inspiratory jump place feet at a distance of 120-130 cm and stretch your arms at the sides so that they were on a level with his shoulders.  Then rotate the palms up, raise your hands and palms together. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Asanas that help energize and improve mood

Among them there are exercises that are performed while standing - yoga believe that these exercises strengthen the fighting spirit and bring stability.  Is not that what we need active person in the world today? ..  Other positions that will reveal the chest, relieve anxiety and make us more confident.  Inverted asanas give peace of mind.
Dog pose face down: When performing this asana your body forms a triangle.  Slightly leaning forward, arms outstretched you rest against the floor in front of him.  It is possible to use a support under your head and stretch hands on the wall: this option will help to relax the neck and head, it is better to open the chest.  Staying in the pose of an active force it down to the floor base of the thumb and forefinger, dilute fingers and pull them.  Wrap the wrist inward, and upper arms - on the contrary, outside.  Draw the knees and hips inside the wrap.  Stay in asana to 3 minutes.  Pose Down Dog Faces charges vigor and energy of the whole body, from fingers to stop.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Yoga and acrobatics

A mix of yoga, acrobatics, yoga, and the pair of Thai massage.  That is, the usual practice asanas - to warm up, asanas together - for the furtherance of the body, the elements of massage, which helps to remove the clips in the body, and then performed a beautiful complex exercise - and it's just flying!  Captures the spirit of what makes "impossible."
- Who invented the technique long does it exist?
- Akroyogu The Americans - Jason Nimer acrobat and dancer yoga Jenny Sauer-Klein.  They met in Los Angeles in 2003 and tried to do acrobatics in a pair of yoga techniques and applications.  It turns out there are enormous advantages and for the practice of hatha yoga and acrobatics.  The body develops faster and safer because there is always a support partner.  From the perspective of yoga, through the development of trust, care: a partner, a man learns to love other people and overcome fears.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yoga on the unrequited love

I watched and watched many people and she survived.  Only the constant physical and spiritual practices have helped to see how easy it is based scheme of relationships when one person is dependent on another, and how can I get rid of it.  I propose to talk about the psychology of relationships...
Let us in this text we understand yoga, not as a set of exercises, but as a path to liberation.  Including the feeling of "unrequited love".  But to start with an example trace, step by step, how painful it may be dependent on another person.
An example of this: you're a good man, meet other good people and you like it (the biochemistry of this process are omitted).  You can also like him, and you may even talked for a while, but he goes about his business, because it is so used to it.  He could have longer be with you, but it needs to destroy habits, due to other people, but it's a big waste of energy - not everyone will be solved.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

11 most bizarre yoga exercises

Sometimes, the supply manager of yoga is rough laughter, and already it makes you feel better students, "whistle", "porychat", "butt breath", "to lengthen the heel ..."  That just do not have to do in the classroom!  We have compiled the 11 most ridiculous of yoga exercises, and you keep a list!
Posture of a lion. If you want to have fun at the glory, follow her in a circle.  Sitting on her knees and heels, crossing his legs, put his hands on his knees, spreading her fingers like claws.  Back - pull, chest - the wheel, take a deep breath ... then, keep your chin podyaremnoy depression, stick out your tongue as far as possible, vypuchte eyes, flattened to the brow and exhale loudly for a long time! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Laughter Yoga

Yoga involves techniques stimulate laughter, breathing and light exercise, which generate natural laughter, reinforcing effect in the group process. Yoga laughter does not require physical fitness. Everyone can laugh. 
Laughter quickly relieves tension in the body, charges of positive emotions, helps us develop creative quality to be open and happy to communicate with each other!
"Laughter is associated with both the body and the mind. Adults with years of laughs from the mind. We estimate that it is ridiculous and what is not. And then decide - whether you want to laugh. The children laugh as" the body "does not appreciating. It was so clean, free laughter we practice.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Yoga for all - the retraction of the abdomen

Yoga can deal only with those who have some abilities. A lot of most ordinary people around the world every day use exercises Indian yogis to improve health and to achieve spiritual harmony. There's one common exercise that improves the entire abdomen and pelvis, decongest, purify the body. This - retracted abdomen. How to do it correctly and with the best result, we are today and tell.
1. Stand up, legs spread shoulder-width apart. Discharge, leaning his hands on the thighs at the knees, fingers inside. The back should remain straight, torso bent to the pelvis, not the waist. The legs can be slightly bent at the knees to the posture was comfortable and stable.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Yoga for a beautiful figure

Yoga and do yoga for a beautiful shape preferably daily for 1 hour. If you can not do it every day, it is necessary to conduct classes at least three times a week. Operates on the principle: the best part, but a little than a lot, but rarely.
For greater efficiency to both change their daily routine to studies became a part of your life rhythm. Therefore it is desirable to train at the same time. For beginners, it is better to do in the evenings, when the muscles are "mashed".
Pay attention to your diet while doing yoga for a beautiful figure. You can either have a square meal for 3-4 hours, or a snack for 1,5-2 hours before class. After a workout you can eat in half an hour. You do not have to fear that you will get better, because even the simplest exercises in yoga require a very large amount of energy. You can drink just before the yoga for a beautiful shape, or after them, but not during exercise. Before training to be taken warm or cool shower, but be careful that no water was very hot, or vice versa, the ice.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Yoga for Every Woman

If women tired and worried - it's time to find your yoga studio. Now more and more in appear yoga studios. Many of them have social value - they allow people to relax, relieve stress, get rid of a bad mood for a very reasonable cost. 
Basically, the most popular are a yoga studio for beginners that do not require serious skills and where they can engage all comers. In addition, the advantage of yoga studios is the fact that payment can be made one-time fee and it varies from 200 rubles (regions) to 1500 (in cities).
Choosing a yoga studio, pay attention primarily on the qualifications. Talk to those who are already engaged there. Yoga for Every Woman has a wide range of services. In a good yoga studio, there are additional services (massage, cellulite treatment, sauna, etc.). Yoga helps you to not only communicate with each other, but also in the prevention of certain diseases, such as allergies.

Friday, December 31, 2010

New year-2011 Good Morning Yoga

You wake up one morning to an alarm clock, jump, barely pushed his way my eyes and hurry, hurry, hurry? Not surprisingly, the morning you will enjoy as much as the dull, gray autumn with the rain...
Many people have spoiled the mood even before they leave the bed - the idea that now need to get up and hurriedly collected, and then dragged through the city to work to meet there, such as gray and disaffected persons who do not contribute good mood. Waking up with that mindset, a "do not want to" leave the bed, it is difficult to maintain their emotional and physical condition are normal.
How to properly greet the morning should learn from the yogis. Want to be alert and cheerful? To use alarm clock an hour earlier and spend the morning as his conduct of yoga - a charge of vivacity all day and health for a lifetime you provided! So what is it - the morning yoga on the system?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Open your heart with meditation

Meditation is a word that is also used in advertising. People meditate, meditate ... Meditation is often confused with ideology, became a Buddhist yogi, a Christian, Muslim. Meditation, in fact, takes it as a tool to be them, to feel the perception of our whole approach to physical, emotional, mental. Stop the mind, activate the deep awareness, in that space of silence ... follows a movie...
Director of the Holistic. Medical expert and researcher in neuropsychological in psychosomatic states of consciousness.
Teaches holistic medicine at the Center for Research on Natural Medicine, University of Milan, associated to the WHO. Developing human potential teaches at the University of Siena. President of the Club of Budapest Italy.
He lived for three years in India and Nepal to study medicine sacred yogic, Tactic and Tibetan, and experience states of deep meditation. For three years he lived in the U.S. to explore the techniques of a psychosomatic regression, emotional release and group therapy.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How can we do yoga?

Yoga - is not only popular but also very useful. Yoga to help strengthen health, cure illnesses, finds peace of mind. But the question arises - is it really so?
I propose to look into this together. To get started find out how you can not do yoga, and what precautions should be observed.
Firstly, one way or another, yoga - a definite load, so before you begin to exercise, you should consult with your doctor, especially if you know that you have a chronic illness.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yoga-Relaxation and breathing

The physical exercises following the relaxation. Often you will notice that the exercises have a certain degree of leisure have contributed. By consciously to your physical condition and fitness to work and to perform movements with attention, because you get all lost a lot of stress. The relaxation close to exactly that will make you even after the lessons will feel more energetic there rested. 
There are different types of relaxation: breathing exercises, guided meditation and relaxation to soothing music. The breathing exercises ensure that your breathing becomes calmer and less hunted. They are ideal for hyperventilation and inner tension. Guided meditation helps you learn to consciously look at it, without bothering to many things at that moment your lives. Thinking becomes clearer and you learn things better to oversee. In daily life you will see that everything will be easier and less stressed you are. For all classes that is obviously fun and relaxation come first!

Targeted construction of yoga classes

Yoga classes last one hour and consist of physical exercises, breathing exercises and relaxation. It begins with physical exercises that help strengthen the muscles, the blood- and improving energy flow and flexibility to move. The specific yoga postures or asanas to, this will also be discussed. Some asanas have the name of an animal, such as 'the Camel', bearing in stooped posture of the body stretches, or "Cat", which backs practiced. Other asanas, the name of an object, such as "Candle" and "The Triangle.
The physical exercises are standing; sitting and lying out and are suitable for everyone. Everything is in a quiet way, where you learn to listen to the signals the body emits. Stress disappears because you no longer have to perform the exercises and tunes in your own abilities.

Yoga for everyone

Yoga is often thought of many difficult exercises, which only years of training can be implemented. Photos of yoga practitioners in the most agile postures confirm that picture often. In reality, yoga is much less difficult than it seems. During the lessons because the exercises tailored to the level of the students. It is just as important not to go over your limits. You learn to feel what is not for you and have no performance. In Yoga is is specifically concerned that your border guards, doing what good care of yourself is.
Anyone can practice yoga. You do not necessarily young, flexible and powerful. Yoga can be practiced at any age and any physical condition.

Yoga for balance in body and mind

Yoga comes from ancient India and focuses on the harmony between body and mind. Body and spirit, Yoga is not separate, but a whole. When someone is physically unwell, he or she can handle everything better mentally. And vice versa: if someone can work well with mental problems, he or she is less likely to develop physical symptoms. Yoga exercises are therefore combined with physical relaxation and breathing exercises. The vitality and life energy is thus increased and it is easier to relax and think clearly. With regular exercise, in everyday life, the positive effect of yoga is noticeable: the mind is calmer, perspective is easier and you will be less pressure on things.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Balasana pose of the Child

Balasana - one of the famous restoring asanas. What it might be helpful? First, balasana effectively calms nerves, fights stress and fatigue. Secondly, it helps extend the ankle, pelvis and thighs. And if you put a prop under the head and front torso, back and neck feel better, and must unravel a headache. In general, very useful asana. 
As with all good for the execution balasany there are several contraindications. Balasanov not practice for people with injured knee (unlikely they will want to do this) and pregnant women. In addition, it is better to refrain from balasany, if you are suffering from diarrhea. I hardly need to explain why.
Technique balasany
Take a stance Lightning Strike (Vadzhrasanu). Spread your knees on the sides so that they were on the width of the pelvis. Toes should remain together.
Now lean forward. The head should be deleted on the floor, and hands - to drop along the sides.
Now relax completely.
Spend a Balasanov a minute or two.
To balasana was more successful, before the execution of this asana can take a while virasanu -