Friday, August 27, 2010

Balasana pose of the Child

Balasana - one of the famous restoring asanas. What it might be helpful? First, balasana effectively calms nerves, fights stress and fatigue. Secondly, it helps extend the ankle, pelvis and thighs. And if you put a prop under the head and front torso, back and neck feel better, and must unravel a headache. In general, very useful asana. 
As with all good for the execution balasany there are several contraindications. Balasanov not practice for people with injured knee (unlikely they will want to do this) and pregnant women. In addition, it is better to refrain from balasany, if you are suffering from diarrhea. I hardly need to explain why.
Technique balasany
Take a stance Lightning Strike (Vadzhrasanu). Spread your knees on the sides so that they were on the width of the pelvis. Toes should remain together.
Now lean forward. The head should be deleted on the floor, and hands - to drop along the sides.
Now relax completely.
Spend a Balasanov a minute or two.
To balasana was more successful, before the execution of this asana can take a while virasanu -

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