Friday, August 27, 2010

Sexual pose practices in the yoga

Sex and yoga - a complex topic. However, we will try in this paper to voice some thoughts on the subject, so try to help you avoid the possible unpleasant consequences. Followers of modern yoga, and friends joined them in very different attitude toward sex. Almost all of them divided into two camps, holding a diametrically opposite views and approaches. 
Most Indian sources contain very negative comments about it. Furthermore, Indian yogis and often does preach Brahmaputra - complete abstinence. An exception is made for sex between husband and wife - should be the same as something to reproduce. The nature of such relationship to sexual intimacy, many see in religion, which significantly distorts the original spirit of yoga. In fact, most religions restrict their parishioners in sex for the sake of fed their unrealized sexual energy. 
If we turn to the more ancient religions, you can see much more loyal attitude to sex. Although the energy "of the case" is still used to its fullest. Days of fertility often was marked by mass orgies and all sorts of sexual perversion, for which in ordinary times could and shlopotat from compatriots. Most women seemed saluting the greatest possible number of men directly to the newly plowed land. Why not do for the sake of future fertility and crop!
Present and Puritanism can not be traced in the ancient Indian sources - the Mahabharata and even the more modern "Ocean legends" Somadevy. Yoga in these legends live with their wives, and even disdain priudarit for other beautiful women, or to fall in love footed nymphs - mythological poluboginyu. The gods of Indian pantheon - is also no stranger to sex. No fetish out of it they do not, but the evil in the sexual pleasures can not see. By all appearances, the ancient Indian culture refers to sex as a natural occupation of the people. However, this does not interfere with comprehending and using his strength.
By the way, if you dig deep enough, we can see that even the word "Brahmacharya", which is now interpreted exclusively as "abstinence" is actually derived from the word "Brahma" and "Acharya", Brahman and pupil. Thus, it does not mean anything other than "learning from a Brahmin. To sex is irrelevant.
Many researchers believe that Puritanism had come into the modern Indian schools of yoga during the conquest of India - from Islam and Christianity.
Another important reason may be yoga, transforming it from the art on in popular culture. Adherents of the classical yoga in this way may be trying to hide the most effective techniques of yoga. This is not surprising, since such knowledge can hurt a lot of the average person. Instead, people are fed sweet gum.
There are those who, by contrast, deal exclusively with the study of sexual practices. Most people on the planet know heard of Kama Sutra, and think that it is related to Tantra, and Tantra itself - is yoga sex. In addition, many have heard that in the East have special practices, which is actively used by sex. In fact, the Kama Sutra is not related to Tantra, which, in turn, is not no "yoga of sex". Yes, and sexual practices are in any religion - even in those that honor in Europe. And many have heard of "tao of love and believe in Chinese technology intercourse without ejaculation. Some of the "believers" even practiced this technique, lured her previously with an Indian (from vadzhroli wise).  
Simpler guys think "tantra" of sexual liberation. It is hard to argue with the fact that the emancipation - that's fine. Only now that he has to do with yoga - a question. Such "tantra" would be far more logical to look in psychiatry. Neophytes are ready to take the ancient yoga practice anything. As a rule, it can be in the best case for echoes some traditions. Yes and those - so simplified that there is no sense in them can be found.
Another feature of these "disciples" in that they often fall for the bait, which is called the grief of the mind. So, they issued Taoist practice techniques of sexual intercourse without ejaculation, make this the most sex in the usual physical exercises, are no different from push-ups from the floor. Of the sex takes one of its main components - the emotions. As a result, the rapid impoverishment of the astral body, svadhisthana rapidly collapsing. Gradually the leaves and the desire to have sex. There is no doubt that the ancient Taoists knew how to avoid such a situation. That's just talk about this somehow forgotten.
There is a purely medical problem. Sex without ejaculation leads to prostitutes, because the seed stagnates in the prostate. That is why psevdodaosskie technology must-backed Naulu and other compensatory exercise.
The important yoga and believe the problem which consists in the fact that energy flows between a man and a woman, provided by nature, is broken. Man ceases to radiate, and the woman, continuing to give her, getting older much faster.
Now to the modern understanding of "Tantra". What is Tantra? This technique makes it possible to develop the astral body. The essence of Tantric exercises (rituals), not just sex - teach a man to feel the peak shape a variety of emotional states. The true meaning of tantra is not in control over ejaculation, and in the call to the thrill and the ability to experience them, while remaining fully conscious.
All the tantric tools originally aimed at developing the ability to feel. The ritual of tantra - a violation of a taboo. It is violating a prohibition; the person experiences the peak levels of sensations. Indian Brahmins can not drink wine and eat meat; they are the same taboos, such as group sex. Entering the ritual, they do all this, and have peak experiences. For the modern man practically there are no taboos. How do we take a peak nature of pleasure? The ritual will be completely meaningless.
It is important to understand that Tantra - this is not debauchery. The essence of Tantric rituals - to learn to consciously control the energy of peak emotional states. Debauchery is not taught to control anything.
Work with peak condition necessarily need. It is necessary for the development of the chakras. A person can control their condition before Ever since then, until one of the chakras do not meet more energy than the amount that the person can handle. While a person sits in the cold and solitary cell, he was confident that it complies with brahmacharya. When surrounded by incense and appear naked beauties, his confidence gradually starts to decline.
Real Tantra enduring experience with peak condition acquired during the ritual, in real life. Modern adherent’s psevdotantry not know how to do it. Their main purpose, as they say now, revels.
So how do you actually yoga refers to sex? The appropriate conclusion can be drawn from the very essence of yoga. As we know, yoga - the art of managing energy. Sexual energy - it is also the energy, so - it also can and should be managed. Moreover, management of sexual energy - it is a complex task for yoga. After all, you need to manage desire, sensation and orgasm.
A man should learn how to raise the sexual energy up without ejaculation, the woman - so as to evoke an orgasm. Quality control of its energy man defined by how long he can have sex. Women, by contrast, need as quickly as possible to achieve orgasm. As for one, and for the second, we must be able to raise the energy up, as well as possible release channels.
By the way, the ability to control their own sexual energy is important not only for having sex, in fact, this energy motivates people to many of his actions. Isolation of motives - another important part of controlling sexual energy. Properly using your own sexual energy, the person receives a lot of siddha. This energy he is able to attract anyone - not just people of the opposite sex, but animals and even plants. That is why the dog of the opposite sex will not bark at the experienced yoga. He svadhisthana ajar, and then he dreaded for a dog. In fact, the sexual energy can heal people, like no other. Perhaps this is because of its connection with the element of water.

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