Thursday, October 28, 2010

Open your heart with meditation

Meditation is a word that is also used in advertising. People meditate, meditate ... Meditation is often confused with ideology, became a Buddhist yogi, a Christian, Muslim. Meditation, in fact, takes it as a tool to be them, to feel the perception of our whole approach to physical, emotional, mental. Stop the mind, activate the deep awareness, in that space of silence ... follows a movie...
Director of the Holistic. Medical expert and researcher in neuropsychological in psychosomatic states of consciousness.
Teaches holistic medicine at the Center for Research on Natural Medicine, University of Milan, associated to the WHO. Developing human potential teaches at the University of Siena. President of the Club of Budapest Italy.
He lived for three years in India and Nepal to study medicine sacred yogic, Tactic and Tibetan, and experience states of deep meditation. For three years he lived in the U.S. to explore the techniques of a psychosomatic regression, emotional release and group therapy.

Brain Lodestar electroencephalograph inventor and researcher on the neurophysiology of global health and meditation. 85 groups and teaches courses in Italy and Switzerland.
Author of articles and essays on the major Italian magazines, author of "Life Energy", Riza Sciences, co-author of "Politics and Zen", Feltrinelli Ed, "The divisions of the Brain and the Unity of Consciousness", FCE Ed "; Holistic psychosomatic "(2 vols.) FCE Ed," The Development of Human Potential in the group to grow "FCE Ed," The Cyber Holistic Vision ", and Mediterranean.

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