Sunday, April 3, 2011

Yoga for Every Woman

If women tired and worried - it's time to find your yoga studio. Now more and more in appear yoga studios. Many of them have social value - they allow people to relax, relieve stress, get rid of a bad mood for a very reasonable cost. 
Basically, the most popular are a yoga studio for beginners that do not require serious skills and where they can engage all comers. In addition, the advantage of yoga studios is the fact that payment can be made one-time fee and it varies from 200 rubles (regions) to 1500 (in cities).
Choosing a yoga studio, pay attention primarily on the qualifications. Talk to those who are already engaged there. Yoga for Every Woman has a wide range of services. In a good yoga studio, there are additional services (massage, cellulite treatment, sauna, etc.). Yoga helps you to not only communicate with each other, but also in the prevention of certain diseases, such as allergies.

Pose Yoga for Two

This exercise will help to better establish contact with a friend or loved one. Based on faith and understanding, it helps to better describe the chest both involved. Through joint efforts, the chest reveals a lot better. In addition, this exercise allows the two partners to share energy, and if one of them more tired, the other will help them quickly recover vitality.
1. Stand with your partner, backs to each other. Your heel should touch each other. Pull the elbows back and gently take your partner's hands, clasping his hands just above the wrist.
2. Lunged forward with his right foot. Your partner should do the same. Heel of left foot should be linked together to help maintain balance. Move your body weight forward and to maximize open the chest. Disclosure of the chest should be the maximum for both partners. Then you both need to pull the neck and lower back, that is the maximum bend forward while the head should be raised as and staring upward.
3. Breathe deeply through your nose and gently pull your partner's hands. Also, it should slightly deviate in the opposite direction to the thorax revealed even better. Lock position and make 5 deep breaths.
4. Slowly return to starting position. Mark your right leg to its original location, your partner should do the same. Then repeat this exercise with your left foot. Make sure that you and your partner breathe synchronously.
If you are prone to seasonal allergies, this pose can help you considerably. It helps to open the chest, relieve tension, improve the permeability and the immune system, respiratory system. After all, yoga is created for each woman.
But this posture is not recommended for people who currently fit allergies, as if high or low blood pressure.
1. Start with your hands and knees. Dip the bottom of the hands on the floor and linked your fingers. Keep your feet hip-width, toes are bent downwards.
2. When you exhale lift your knees off the floor and lift tailbone. Then, tighten your legs and lift your heels and the floor. Pull the neck and back. The lower part of the hands must be very stressful to support you. Breathe deeply and measured. Lock position 30-90 seconds. 3. On exhalation, return to the starting position, slowly lower your knees to the floor and open the fingers. Breathe measured. If necessary, you can repeat the motion.
Yoga - a way of life for many modern people today. Therefore, yoga can feel not only confident person, but free thought.

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