Monday, April 4, 2011

Yoga for a beautiful figure

Yoga and do yoga for a beautiful shape preferably daily for 1 hour. If you can not do it every day, it is necessary to conduct classes at least three times a week. Operates on the principle: the best part, but a little than a lot, but rarely.
For greater efficiency to both change their daily routine to studies became a part of your life rhythm. Therefore it is desirable to train at the same time. For beginners, it is better to do in the evenings, when the muscles are "mashed".
Pay attention to your diet while doing yoga for a beautiful figure. You can either have a square meal for 3-4 hours, or a snack for 1,5-2 hours before class. After a workout you can eat in half an hour. You do not have to fear that you will get better, because even the simplest exercises in yoga require a very large amount of energy. You can drink just before the yoga for a beautiful shape, or after them, but not during exercise. Before training to be taken warm or cool shower, but be careful that no water was very hot, or vice versa, the ice.

Yoga for beautiful shapes you will need:
- Comfortable sportswear preferably made of natural materials;
- Or polypropylene mat camping mat.
As long as you do, you do not have to worry about: Yoga requires a certain concentration, and if you start constantly distracted, the results are not as good as you expected. Subsequently, this practice will help you in practicing yoga for a beautiful figure: fears and phobias, better focus, control of body weight, quickly remove any stress in life situations, become more energetic.

Regular breathing

Stand straight, feet at a distance of 12 cm apart, toes forward, hands joined at heart level. Back straight. Close your eyes and hear my heart beating, listen to each inhalation and exhalation. Feel the air that you breathe, makes your body vibrate. Stand straight, this position symbolizes confidence. Breathe through your nose. Slowly breathe in through 5 and exhale to the same account 5. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Force posture

On the inhale, raise your arms forward at an angle of 45 degrees, palms together. On the exhale, bend your knees and make a motion as if you sit on a chair. The legs should be parallel to each other. Then follows that the knees are over your toes. Experiment to bend your knees do not bring you discomfort. Posture should support, rather than creating additional tension in the body. Find the most comfortable position, secure it and make 3 deep breaths.
At the expiration of the poses two lower hands, lift one knee to your chest, your back straight. When you exhale again, return to position 2. Alternate posture 2 and posture 3. This will help to: strengthen your abdominal muscles, arms and legs; develop movement coordination, better balance. Alternate postures 2 and 3 as many times as you want. Complete rotation exercises posture 2.
First Warrior pose
Of the two postures set aside your right foot back about 1 m to the right leg was 45 ° angle relative to the floor. Then follows that knee left leg was at a sock. Keep your arms straight. Lock position and make 5.3 deep breaths. Exercise can help you: become more stable; recharge, especially if you are tired.

The second posture of a warrior

Of the four postures on the exhale pull your right hand in front of him, and left laid back. Expand the left thigh. Right knee should be at the level of the heel. Feel the energy that runs through the fingertips. Lock position and make 5.3 deep breaths.

Lower thrust

Of the five posture lean his hands on the floor. Lift up on the tips of your fingers, pull back and right leg. Knee bend the left leg. Then lift the heel of his right leg. Leg of this should be straight. If you find it difficult to make such an exercise, there is a second, easier option. In addition, lower knee right foot on the floor. Lock position and make 2.1 deep breaths.
From Poses 6 for inspiration lean right hand on the floor, turn right, pull left arm up. Waist, hips and legs must be fixed. Pull the palm up and look at it. Knee left foot hold in line with the hip. If you find it difficult to keep balance, lower knee right foot on the floor. Freeze and take 5 deep breaths.

Forward Bend

From 7 poses lower hands to the floor and lean them on the floor. Step right foot so that it was next to the left. Slightly bend your knees and lean forward. Please note that the bending of the body should be in the hips, not the waist, so your back will be able to stay longer in a stationary position without discomfort. Bend your elbows and hold on to the tips of the elbows. Relax your neck, shoulders and head. Lock position and make 5 deep breaths.

Stretching the chest and shoulders to lean forward

From Poses 8 Lower your elbows, get his hands behind his back and linked his fingers into the castle. Slide the blade. Stretch your arms and slowly lift them off the back. Arm muscles should be very tight. Try not to push his hands with force. Most likely, you will have to withdraw his hands from the back of no more than 3 cm Do not try to increase this range, better concentrate on your breathing. Secure the vines and make 3 deep breaths.

Ski Jumping

Of the nine postures during inspiration bend your knees a little more, pull the spine so that the back was parallel to the floor. Pull the clutch in lock hands behind his back. You should look as if going to jump from a springboard. When you exhale, return to the position 9. Repeat several times during inspiration, take position 10, when you exhale, return to the position 9.


From posture to 9, with an exhalation decouple hands and gently lower them to the sides, they must dangle. Take a few breaths. Slowly unfold. When you deploy a "feel" each vertebra. The last thing slowly lifts your head. Then repeat all the exercises, starting with the posture, 4 only with the other leg.

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