Friday, April 8, 2011

Yoga for all - the retraction of the abdomen

Yoga can deal only with those who have some abilities. A lot of most ordinary people around the world every day use exercises Indian yogis to improve health and to achieve spiritual harmony. There's one common exercise that improves the entire abdomen and pelvis, decongest, purify the body. This - retracted abdomen. How to do it correctly and with the best result, we are today and tell.
1. Stand up, legs spread shoulder-width apart. Discharge, leaning his hands on the thighs at the knees, fingers inside. The back should remain straight, torso bent to the pelvis, not the waist. The legs can be slightly bent at the knees to the posture was comfortable and stable.

2. Exhale through the mouth, helping himself with a slight inclination of the body, and immediately lift to the starting position while simultaneously pulling in the stomach. Try to tighten it as much inward and upward. Chin, while down on his chest. If the chin does not drop, with a strong pull-belly starts coughing.
3. lasts breath holding after exhalation, quickly release the abdomen, relax the muscles. It will fall of itself.
Immediately again gather in the stomach inside. Continue this for as long as do not want to breathe. At first, many manage to make a few retracting the stomach at a time. But over time, come the speed and ability to stay longer without air.
Yoga is easy to perform 5 moves per second and make up to 150-200 retraction on each breath. This is too high, but the number of retraction should be increased each time.
4. Slowly inhale, straighten and perform the 3.2 deep breaths. Repeat exercise 3 to 10 times. But in any case, do not do it all through the power! Your incremental successes will give the best end result. In this case it is better not to rush and do everything right.
Retraction of the abdomen can successfully implement a solid and holders of the abdomen. Even if the part of the stomach would appear almost motionless, the reduction of internal muscles will still provide full impact.
Exercise improves the condition of the digestive system, promotes enhanced removal of waste, soothes the psyche. Causes an active circulation of blood in the abdomen and pelvis, which helps in gastritis, colitis, women's diseases, hemorrhoids, prostate, liver, kidney, gall bladder and pancreas.
Regularly giving this lesson for 3-5 minutes, you will constantly maintain a high tone of the internal organs, compensating for the flaws in the diet and sedentary lifestyle.

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