Saturday, April 9, 2011

Yoga asanas for your health

Yoga can be attributed not only to the gym, but also to serious recreational activities. Performing these asanas, you massiruete internal organs, stimulate blood circulation. 
It is important to remember:
1. All exercises are done on an empty stomach. After performing their well do not rush to eat. Start with a cup of water and 30 minutes for a snack.
2. Perform asanas slowly.
3. After each exercise, relax for 5 minutes.
4. Monitor your state of health. If you are experiencing discomfort from this exercise should be abandoned.
5. Clearly follow the instructions. Do not experiment.
Asana "retracting the stomach in a standing position."

Execution: place feet shoulder-width apart, hands free to omit. With the power exhale air. Sharply remove the stomach itself and stay in this position. Housing is slightly tilted forward.
Impact: Strengthening the press, improving the intestine.
Asana "retracting the stomach in the sitting position."
Execution: Take a position "a tailor sitting" when the heel of his left foot rests on the navel and the right foot under the left shin. Tighten your stomach muscles and the anal passage, exhale and draw the belly with the force itself. On the inhale, return to the starting position.
This exercise - an effective tool to combat constipation.
Asana "onion".
Execution: Lie on your stomach, face down, arms down along the body. Relax your abdominal muscles. Then bend your legs back so that you could reach out his arms and legs to take his ankles. Raise your head and chest. Simultaneously straighten the legs so that you can tear off the chest off the floor. Body position should resemble a bow and push the string. Hold your breath, then slowly lower your pelvis to the floor. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
Impact: The massage of the abdomen. If staying in this position to swing back and forth, the exercise will provide massages throughout the lower body. But we should not swing too hard. This exercise is especially recommended for people suffering from chronic diseases associated with a sluggish bowel, poor digestion and liver complaints.
Also asana "onion" is useful for rheumatism feet.
Asana "grasshopper."
Execution: Lie on your stomach, face down, arms along the body, palms to the floor. Inhale and hold your breath until completion. Tighten your entire body and raise your legs at 5 cm from the floor. Hold your head in the original position, without lifting his chin off the floor. Feet extended. Raise the need not only to spawn, but the thighs and hips even. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly lower legs and inhale. Repeat 6 times.
Impact: This exercise is a beneficial effect on internal organs in the lower part of the body and limbs. Pelvic muscles and legs stronger. With this asana heal constipation, positive effect on the liver, pancreas and kidneys.

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