Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Laughter Yoga

Yoga involves techniques stimulate laughter, breathing and light exercise, which generate natural laughter, reinforcing effect in the group process. Yoga laughter does not require physical fitness. Everyone can laugh. 
Laughter quickly relieves tension in the body, charges of positive emotions, helps us develop creative quality to be open and happy to communicate with each other!
"Laughter is associated with both the body and the mind. Adults with years of laughs from the mind. We estimate that it is ridiculous and what is not. And then decide - whether you want to laugh. The children laugh as" the body "does not appreciating. It was so clean, free laughter we practice.
There are currently more than 16,000 centers Laughter Yoga in over 50 countries worldwide. The founder of this movement is an Indian physician Dr. Madan Kataria. In 2008 he visited Russia with the presentation of "therapeutic laughter for no reason." His first student from America, founder and instructor of the American School of Laughter Yoga, "the author of books on yoga, laughter - Sebastien Gendreau, twice held in Moscow  on certified courses for trainers. Laughter Yoga is practiced not only in clubs and studios, but also at workplaces in offices, hospitals with different groups (including older people with disabilities).

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