Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Specific practices - meditation

Meditations designed to release the body from the stagnation of negative energy, because of which there are stress, nervous breakdowns and develop the disease. 
Meditation techniques hold a deep inner transformation, aimed at gaining the integrity and spiritual growth of the personality, the discovery of creative and individual talents.
Morning - Dynamic Meditation
Day - Mandala. Breathing Chakras
Evening - Kundalini Meditation
Second stage:
Day - Tibetan meditation. Sufi meditation.
Third stage:
At any time - Mystical Rose. (Runs 3:00)
Dynamic Meditation - cleanses the body and restores the bowels, relieves the body from stagnation and negative energy blocks that lead to diseases, nervous breakdowns, mental disorders and stress.
Strengthens the muscles of the legs and arms. Contributes to the restoration of nerve endings and the birth of new cells, so is rejuvenation of the body and skin. In the process of meditation is burning excess pounds to the required weight for the normal functioning of the body. Preventing colds. Improving eyesight.
Due to the active work of the sexual center improves sexual life, restores sexual organs. Occurs prevention of inflammation of genital organs, because there is no stagnation of sexual energy.
Also changes the nature of man, since there is an inner transformation of man.
Through meditation man begins to sink into himself and begins a deep understanding of himself. Women begin to feel and to love your body, develops sensuality, tenderness and domestic harmonious state, which leads to the harmonious interaction with the outside world. The joy of communicating with the opposite sex without fear or complexes.
Awakening the life force through sexual activity center, leads to success in all spheres of life (family, job, career, business, love, health, money). At the same time: the spiritual growth of the individual. Pursuing meditation man knows himself, his creative and personal abilities.

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