Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The First steps in yoga

It has become much calmer.  Previously explode at the slightest pretext.  Now it almost does not happen.
- Previously, it was hard work.  In my head all the time, vanity, vanity ... And now all things are ordered.  I know when and what to do.  Many tasks that used to be unpleasant, I performed easily, without straining.
- I lost five pounds (the girl said that with the five pounds was a very, very slim).
- I lost weight, butt tightened, her hands were so strong.
- I like "addicted" to yoga.  If you miss three days - the whole body aching already - arms, legs, back - as if asking him to knead, just breaking.  But this winter did not hurt.
- I noticed that my wishes are coming true.  That is, before, if I wanted something, I did everything to get it.  A received when I was no longer needed.  Now I like just do not really need - calmer attitude to everything - and desires are fulfilled faster.  Sometimes they even do anything for it is not necessary.
- I do some exercises to do at first could not.  I thought I could never.  And then somehow everything turned out so slowly.
- I have developed a relationship with people such as I have always wanted.  Previously, I was always on the side.  Now any company, even in an unfamiliar, I can easily communicate with all.  I love, appreciate.
- I feel energized.  Before, I often lose heart.  I'm coming home from work, and face sour.  I understand that all is well, I have a husband, I love him, parents, friends, work - all good.  Why do I feel so bad!  There are no forces.  Now this does not happen at all.  I just "energizer"!
- I began to sleep.  While yoga is not engaged, often wake up in the morning and think: "What a nightmare!  As soon as possible to day ended again to get some sleep! "
- I used to eat everything - there is, then eat.  I. ..  there have been times of "stagnation."  Now I always feel that I need to eat and what not to.  The meat is almost never want to.  I him hard.  Sometimes they eat all around, asking why I'm not chew, but I look at food and I understand: I do not.  And the toilet is no problem.
Typically, the first six months of yoga - the brightest.  If you engage in regularly during that time virtually all the major changes taking place.  Sometimes, it is much stronger than in the later years of practice.  Changing habits in communication, food, clothes - everything.  Changing relationships with people, relate to the world and shared values.  Changing shape, gait and even look.
Yoga - is not the only tool accomplishment of internal transformation, but perhaps - the most versatile because it works regardless of nationality, mentality, or social conditions.

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