Friday, July 3, 2009

Yoga of the stick-side

The finish by means stick and refers metaphorically to the vertebral column, the "stick" or support of the central body. 

• Boost the arms and wrists 
• Tone the abdomen 

Contraindications / Precautions 
• Carpal tunnel syndrome 
• Pregnancy 

Step by step 
Perform and the Position of. Down the shoulder blades against the back ribs and press the coccyx to the pubis. 

Exhale, slowly lower torso and legs up to place them a few inches from the ground, parallel to the floor. The lumbar region tends to move downwards, while the coccyx at the top pushes toward the ceiling. For the entire duration of the position, hold firmly to the coccyx and legs still very active, slightly turned inwards. Pulls the pubis toward the navel. 

Enlarging the space between the shoulder blades. Do not let your elbows are side, but keep in contact with the sides of the chest, pushing them back towards the heels. Awards securely the foundations of the indices on the floor. Raises the upper part of the sternum and the head to look forward. 

Chattering Dan asana is one of the positions of the sequence to greet the sun, but you can also practice individually for a period of between 10 and 30 seconds. Dissolution position exhale. Lie down on the floor, or gently push back strongly in, extending the upper thighs 

Modifications and supports 
You can get an idea of this position challenging runs in the foot. Put a few inches from a wall. Prizes hands against the wall, slightly lower than the level of the shoulders. Imagine you want to remove from the wall with a push, but the stability of the shoulder blades against your back to prevent any movement. Extend the coccyx push imagining of a point between the heels and lifts the top of the sternum toward the ceiling. 

If possible, turn slowly vamped for the rest of the foot on the neck and move slightly forward the bust. This movement will bring the hands back to life next, increasing the difficulty of the position. 

Tips for beginners 
The full version of Chaturanga Dandasana is hard to run with the first attempts, until you have developed in the arms, back and leg strength needed to support. From the Position of, start by lowering your knees to the ground. Then exhale, lower the sternum up to 2-5 cm above the floor. 

Stepping up the position 
Chaturanga Dandasana is challenging even for more experienced students. While the position of the run put on the floor under the body, a thick blanket rolled parallel to the spine. Lowered slightly by using this media the bare minimum, enough to keep rising. 

Practice with a partner 
A companion can help you learn how to fix the pelvis in this position and to lengthen the spine. Chaturanga Run Dandasana (if necessary, with a blanket under the thighs). Ask your companion to settle astride on your hips, to push his foot to the inside and tighten with the lower legs of the top of your pelvis. It can also get you the pelvis slightly backward, toward the feet, while you raise the top of the sternum in the opposite direction. 

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