Friday, July 3, 2009

Yoga Chair position

The position of Chair involves the muscles of the arms and legs and stimulates the diaphragm and heart. 


Strengthens the ankles, thighs, calves and the backbone 
Promotes the elongation of the shoulders and chest 
It stimulates the abdominal organs, diaphragm and heart 
Reduces the problem of flat feet 

Contraindications / Cautions 

Low Pressure 

Step by step 

1. Put yourself in the foot position Tadasana. Inhale and lift your arms perpendicular to the floor. You can keep your arms parallel with the palms of the hands in, or join the palms. 

2nd Exhale and bend your knees, trying to position the legs as much as possible parallel to the floor. The knees protrude beyond the foot and the torso is slightly bent forward over the thighs, to form more or less a right angle with the top of the thighs. Keep the interior thigh parallel to one another and hit the top of the femurs at the bottom, toward the heels. 

3rd Blocked the ribs against my spine. Push down the coccyx toward the floor and inside to the pubis, so as not to shorten the lower back. 

4th Maintain the position for 30 seconds to a minute. To dissolve, with the knees straight and sollevatevi vigorously with the help of arms. Exhale and relax your arms along your sides in a position Tadasana. 

Changes and support 

In order to work more intensely the thigh in this position, you can make between them a brick or a book quite often. 


During the bending of the knees, fingertips on feet and get off by pushing the buttocks toward the heels raised. Spread your arms forward, parallel to one another and to the floor, with palms of hands or down inside. 

Tips for beginners 

If you have difficulty maintaining this position, run next to a wall. Upright, collocate at a distance of few inches from the wall. Calculate the distance, taking into account that, when folded into position, the coccyx should just touch the wall and use its support. 

Stepping up the position 

The secret to perform the position without experiencing discomfort Utkatasana is relax the upper part of the femurs to the beads. Once taken the position, bring your hands above your thighs. Resting the palms of the hands in the folds dell'inguine and push the upper thigh to the beads, planting heels into the floor. In opposition to these actions, push in on the coccyx in the basin. 

For couples 

Ask a partner to vigorously press your heels against the floor using your hands or feet.

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