Wednesday, July 1, 2009

SPECIAL YOGA & SEX : Transforming the sexual energy

A sequence suitable for men and women, on average, which includes a map of healing that balances the glandular system, here associated with reproductive organs and the thyroid. It is an excellent example of how the Kundalini Yoga in the lineage of the Master Yogi Baja. Movements "liberate" gradually various parts of the body from the fourth lumbar vertebra. Is called the center channel, or subhuman, in relation to the second charka, and then distributes what is called in yoga jotas, the seminal fluid, bringing along the Nadir or subtle channels, throughout the nervous system up to more charka high.

According to yoga, the seminal fluid of men and women contains high concentrations of minerals and precious substances for a healthy and creative life, for a stable nervous system and to keep young. For this reason, all of the energy and non-moralistic, the sexual energy must be understood thoroughly and not dissipation. It should be left to flow in a balanced way, because it is linked to our creativity and is a powerful healing force. Before you begin, we recommend some exercise by warming of the spine.
The first phase moves the lower back, on the first two charkas and connects to dell'ombelico: the powerful impulses of the two lower charkas are then transformed into subtle vibrations, which open the heart and higher charkas.
The second phase with the alternating of pranayama nostrils, balances the prana el'apana, the two polarities of energy absorption and elimination, and prepares the final meditation.
The Kundalini energy is balanced and you can feel a deep calm. His ascent has been prepared gradually preparing the body, especially the nervous system, to receive a high voltage of energy released.

1 Lie down on stomach, hands to the ground at shoulder height, the position of the Cobra. Inspire, inwardly vibrates the mantra on, then exhale shooing. Raises the pelvis in position Platform Front, back and exhales into the position of the Cobra. Repeat for 26 times; relax on the stomach for 2 min.

2 Take the position Vacant. Expire relax while grounding arms folded, tapping with the body and mind. Then, with the inspiration, go back into position Vacant. Repeat 26 times, always vibrating the mantra on shooing, inhale and exhale as in the previous posture.

3 Lie down on your back, bringing the ankles in contact with the buttocks and Seize. Inspires and raises the pelvis. Expires and returns to starting position. Repeat 26 times; relax on your back for 2 min. and repeat for another 26 times. This phase is particularly suitable for women, called "Making love with the sky" and unlocks the area of sexuality. You can also practice as an exercise in itself, isolated from the sequence, for 3 min.

4 Lie down on your back with legs spread. Saleable to 50 cm from the ground and hold the position breathing deeply for 30 sec. Breathe in, wearing a knee to the chest, exhales and ridistendilo. Repeat with the other leg and alternating movements of the legs for 45 sec. / 1 min. Thus inspired, and always with the legs straight and raised, hold the breath for 5 sec. relaxes the position.

5 Lie down on the back, reunite the soles of the feet and Seize. Swings forward, until in a sitting position, and back for 30-45 sec. Relax on your back for 2 minutes.

6 Stretch Pose: raise head and feet at 15 cm from the ground. Ivied are pointed forward, legs straight, arms stretched to their feet, their eyes fixed on the tip toes. Breathe deeply and hold the position for 7 min. Then inspire, Expire, lungs remains empty as long as you can by contracting mulabandha (contraction of the perineum and genitals, pulling the navel inward).

7 Relax on your back for 5 min. From relaxed, sings 12 times the mantra God and me, me and God are one. Then inspire, Hold for 15 sec. and expires. Repeat the mantra for 12 times again, stronger. Then exhales deeply inspire for 8 times. At the end inspire, Hold your breath, raise your legs to 90 ° for 15 sec. Expire, and relaxed.

8 Sit in Sidhasana or Sukhasana. The left hand is in Gyan mudra on the left knee. With thumb and little finger of the right to close the nostrils alternately. Inspired by the left and the right expires. Collapse mulabandha (as in step 6) for 1 min. So inspired by the left nostril, expires with the right and go forward with this breathing for 1 min. Then begin to inhale and exhale through the left nostril only, a rhythm a little 'fast for 15 sec., then the right for another 15 sec. Breath for 5 sec. with each nostril. Inspire both with and retain for 5 sec. Expire, remains empty lungs for 30 sec. Inspire deeply, exhales, repeat the exercise.

9 In a seated position, sings the mantra eke on kart sat name sire sat name who guru, contracting mulabandha on sat name and releasing on who guru. Continue for 6 min. Inspire, Hold your breath for 15 sec. Finally, relax and meditate.

• The timing sequences shown in those figures are from Yogi Bhajan: do everything possible, without forcing and with awareness of your limits.
• In the Kundalini, the terminology can sometimes be different from other styles of yoga.
• I have not cited mantra in Sanskrit, but in Gurmukhi, the writing of Sikh religious texts.
• The sequence will start after having sung 3 times the mantra.
• Mulabhanda and "breath of fire" should not be practiced by women in the first three days of menstruation: should be replaced with a simple deep breathing.
• All the positions you can practice sitting on a chair.

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