Wednesday, July 1, 2009

SPECIAL YOGA & SEX : Male power and energy

For yoga, the power resides in the male seed. If the person knowingly creates a share of energy in the second charka, if he knows how to generate enough seed and how to do it up in the blood, this will make it very strong. Importante for him, because the Kundalini Yoga women and sixteen times stronger! The woman creates man. Therefore, man must balance the power of its polarity, the female, and it must realize that he is part of Infinity. When a woman feels the high vibration in the male, then begins to desire, to give him strength and make it "great." 
In this sequence, we move the 'essence' of the seed, or Binder, in every pore. It is a great way to transform the sexual energy, and when it is too concentrated, with an over-emphasis on sexuality (as often occurs in adolescents), both when the sexual desire, especially in times of stress or maturity, begins to decline. The movements of this short sequence have a powerful effect regeneration and balancing of seminal fluid, and act as tonics of the nervous system and brain. The man must become master of the requests of the mind and balance with his sexual energy. 

On Sat Kriya should be performed for only 3 min. from beginners, who must begin with a short time and to always follow the relaxation (the length of twice the time of meditation). It is the basic meditation of Kundalini Yoga. Among its many effects, the strengthening of the sexual system and the relaxation of fears related to sexuality. Also channels the energy of a persistent impulse toward creative and healing, restore the flow of prune in the first three charkas. This gives a great balance of mind. The heart, with the movement of the diaphragm, it receives the benefit. 

1 A ground supported on the knees and hands, raises his right hand with elbow bent while the left leg to bring it parallel to the ground. Inspire deeply Hold your breath and raises her leg higher, then again reportable parallel to the ground. Repeat for 8 times, being careful to keep the knees very relaxed. Then expires, with the leg parallel to the ground, and repeat the sequence for up to 11 minutes. Repeat by reversing the legs and arms. 

2 This form of meditation is called Sat Kriya and Kundalini Yoga in the key. Sit down on her knees, raises his arms high above his head, well-being careful to keep your elbows relaxed and the palms of the hands together. Say the sound sat by contracting the navel, pronunciation soundman releasing the contraction (sat man: identity). The eyes are closed all the time and gaze intensely fixed inner point between the eyebrows. Do this exercise for 3 min., Relax a moment and reptile again for another 3 min. At the end inspire, Collapse All mule Bandh in muscles and mind brings all the energy toward the tip of your finger. Finally relaxed. 

• The timing sequences shown in those figures are from Yogi Bhajan: do everything possible, without forcing and with awareness of your limits. 
• In the Kundalini, the terminology can sometimes be different from other styles of yoga. 
• I have not cited mantra in Sanskrit, but in Gurmukhi, the writing of Sikh religious texts. 
• The sequence will start after having sung 3 times the mantra long name guru dev name. 
• Mulabhanda and "breath of fire" should not be practiced by women in the first three days of menstruation: should be replaced with a simple deep breathing. 
• All the positions you can practice sitting on a chair.

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