Monday, June 29, 2009

Yoga at home

The first, then follow each asana once, resting between poses as much time as you need. Gradually increase the time of the asana, but remember that exercise should be immediately discontinued if you experience any discomfort. 

During each posture, do five slow deep breath and exhale? Inhale deeply through your nose, expanding the lungs and fill them with oxygen and then slowly exhale. Concentrating on the place where you are now. 

If you are unable to attend specialized yoga, you can do it at home. 

1. Pose a staff 
This position involves the muscles of the pelvis, the inner side of the hips and lumbar muscles. 

Sit on the floor, straighten. You should not be too stretched, pull the leg straight in front of you and collected them together. Fingers directed forward (if it does not cause discomfort), must lie on the floor just behind the hips. A little pushes on the fingers, as if you stretch the spine and thorax. Taints up as soon as you can. The legs must be pressed to the floor. 

2. Boat pose 

This posture allows stretch and strengthens the entire spine. If you can not perform the exercise with straight legs, slightly bend their knees. 

Take in a staff position, lift the legs up and try to pull your knees to the chest. If you can not keep balance, have legs. Reject a bit ago. Stay in the posture, up the spine. It can only increase the load, pull the hands forward, as in the picture, and straighten the legs. 

3. Pose a boat-2 

This posture strengthens the muscles of the upper abdominal press. 

Asian posture from a boat. Lower the upper body and legs down (the legs should not just get to the floor). Stay in this position until you feel discomfort. 

4. The inverted boat 

Excellent Asana, develop the ability to keep balance. 

Initial posture - posture boat-2. Allow your hands to the right, but the legs and hips carry the left. Take 5 deep breaths and exhale, and then repeat the movement in the other direction. 

5. Locust pose 

This posture strengthens the muscles of the central spine. 

Lie on your stomach, pull the arms and legs. Stop brought together, the hands should be positioned parallel to the ears, forehead toward the floor. Pull out your hands, lift the upper body, and Rock out feet from the floor, raising them as possible greatly. But the most important - elongate the muscles of legs, rather than keep them high. 

Return to starting position. 

6. Camel poses (preparatory) 

Asana This strengthens and stretches muscles of the hips. 

Stand on your knees, pull your hands forward and to reject the back, how can, but that you were comfortable. Pull up the spine, trying to maintain the relaxed state. 

7. Camel pose (main) 

This posture strengthens back muscles, helping to make the spine more flexible and to prevent infringement. 

The original position - the preparatory posture camel. Place the palms on the back or buttocks and tilting back, how can, while retaining a sense of comfort.

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