Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Vipassana Meditation

Venue - a boarding house near Moscow. Tracks, limited on both sides of ropes leading from the apartment houses to the main building. They are people, with men and women screened different paths. People go in silence, not communicating with each other, not perekidyvayas neither word nor look, nor gesture. They go to the main building, take off their shoes and pass into the hall, which sit on the mats. Now there will be a regular session of Vipassana meditation. Despite the apparent austerity, is teaching people to be happy. 

This is a special ten-day course, which can take part is any person (except, perhaps, people with mental illness and addiction), absolutely every religion. During this course are taught Vipassana meditation technique from SN Goenki - teachers in the Vipassana tradition Sayadzhi U Ba Khin of Burma. 

SN Goenka - Indian origin, born and grew up in Burma in a rich family of businessmen. For many years, he suffers from terrible migraines. No doctor could not help him, they only prescribe morphine, somehow to kill this terrible pain. It seems that the illness was psychosomatic. 

Once Goenki friend advised him to undergo a course in Vipassana meditation teacher Sayadzhi U Ba Khin. After Goenka said U Ba Khin, which wants to take this course to get rid of migraines, he was refused. The reason for rejection was that this technique is not intended to cure any specific disease, but is designed to liberate man from all suffering. Motivation that should be relevant. After careful consideration the reasons for a refusal Goenka came to the teacher again to take it to the course. But this time, his motivation was different - he wanted to achieve a complete liberation from suffering. The teacher took it. Needless to say, after assiduous practice of migraine no trace? 

The course is vnesektantskoy Vipassana meditation technique, which can teach people of any denomination: Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jew, atheist ... Despite this, the technique dates back to the historic Buddha - Gotamy. That is it, he taught all who wanted to get rid of suffering and attain full enlightenment. He did not attempt to establish any sect or religion. 

Path of Liberation is universal and can be applied by anyone. It stands on three pillars-whales: Sheila (morality), Samadhi (the ability to own mind) and penny (wisdom, insight). Practicing, based on these three principles, you can clear your mind on a deep level, to completely eradicate mental impurities such as anger, fear, passion, hatred ... You can find peace and balance, get rid of suffering. 

Technology itself is based entirely on work from their own bodies. In the first days of stay the course, students under the guidance of qualified mentors learn to work with the breath, observe them. This practice prepares the mind for the future, making a strong unidirectional attention, honed. This is pointed mind can hold «an operation on the minds» - so very Goenkadzhi determines the purpose of the ten-day course. After the practice, based on the breath, students learn to understand your own body and the processes occurring therein. 

Vipassana meditation is based on the fact that our body is composed of tiny, invisible eye subatomic particles. When our mind loses its balance (for example, when we zlimsya) in the body begin to take place some changes: the increase breathing, speaking sweat, trembling beats us, that is manifest feelings. This means that between our body and mind there is a link. Just as our mind affects our body, we can learn only through the body to control your mind. That was the opening of the Buddha. 

Our mind is like a wild bull or a bull in a china shop (examples given by the Glencoe). It can destroy everything around them. He is so strong, that is able to destroy us and them. Just think: your own consciousness can destroy you completely! However, this can be to tame a wild elephant, to make obedient, and then he begins to serve a man - his master. That, and to practice Vipassanu - learn to control your mind, and thus learn to control their lives, so that it no longer depends on the surrounding circumstances and other people. 

The property of our mind is that he is either in the past (for example, in the memories of past events), or in the future time (thinking of plans: what to do, what to do). We almost never live this moment. That is, does not live! Practicing proper awareness through regular meditation, you can break this pernicious habit. You stop wasting their energy on the experiences of the past and future, and then life satiate new colors will be full. 

Another important aspect of Vipassana meditation - it teaches how to cope with physical pain. During the course receive special hour of meditation, during which time you should not open their eyes and change the position of the hands and feet. 40 minutes later the body begins to feel uncomfortable and painful. It was at this point and begin the real work with their minds. Your mind learns to observe the pain. You become a patient in a doctor examined her body hradnokrovno. 

Soon you will find that physical pain is often so strong because it is, in essence, mental - it enhances our mind: «Oh, how painful! How painful! I can not tolerate more! Die! »If you teach your mind to be an observer rather than participant, you can learn to master the pain, which no doubt you will have to meet in life more than once. After all, our life is full of suffering - a fact which can not be denied. Throughout life we are faced with pain: headache, painful menstruation, painful childbirth, pain due to illness ... In the end, the physical pain of his own death. To all this you need to add excessive amount of mental pain: jealousy, envy, anger, fear, unhappy love, the various mental suffering - there are so many! 

So, Vipassana offers a way to get rid of the pain and suffering. This systematic way, which can be tested for ten days? Total ten days! You can enroll through the Web site of Vipassana. The course is absolutely free. The financial system is based on the rate of voluntary donations to the students that have passed the course before and thought it useful for themselves - naturally they have the desire to share this technology with others. They have made donations, thus giving others a unique opportunity that can benefit you! 

Wishing you true happiness and mental balance.

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