Monday, June 22, 2009

Yogi or are not you?

I remember it now: the college years, my girlfriend Inna became enthusiastic yoga. However, only physical exercise. I saw it as something standing on the head with their feet, perekruchennymi great Krendelev, and kind of stupid asked: «What the name of this posture?» Podruga, down from head to foot, having to quickly spin back sententious say: «The poses -- so Kamasutra, as in yoga - asana! » 

This, I later learned that «Asan» and «posture» - one and the same (just show off girlfriend). And in that day, was stunned by how cool Inna using some asanas taught to possess their own body. What she ! This free training is unlikely to repeat. And it must be said that wanted to repeat. 

So I  from Inna on one evening a rare edition, which got it by inheritance from grandmother. At the time of any publications on yoga case somewhat differently than now. The word «deficit» in relation to books has now become archaic. And then even  something valuable has been difficult - its equipment through a Stone Age. I urged her friend, something to think with the help of computers. And close to midnight, he was terrible with a bundle of copies of pages of asanas with pictures and descriptions of their implementation. 

It turned out that some simple asana to ugliness. For example, shavasana (hope to remember the name) - it's when a lie on the floor with his eyes closed with his hands along the body and inhale-exhale. But other asana, of course, required a grave physical training. And I had to cramp in the side curious to know if I can, like Ina, standing on his head with his feet, perekruchennymi Krendelev? 

In short, I began self-study. Podruga with crazy happy to learn that I too want to become a yogi. And then with all the rubble I typed carbon paper under the intelligent thoughts on yoga and yogah. And then in the journal "Science and Life" has a series of articles on this topic. Now we are engaged Inna together, and when I do not receive and I was all ready to give up, she always told me: «Hey, you yogi yogi or not? Quickly siddhasannu in, relax, and everything from the beginning! »And it worked. 

As they say: The teacher appears when the student is ready? I do not know why I was ready then, but I came «teacher». Once in the tram, I read another yogic treatise. And then heard from somewhere on top: «you are interested in yoga?» Away from yellowed leaf, I lifted her head up and saw that next to my seat обалденно is a pleasant young man eighteen years old, looks like a very handsome actor of Indian cinema. 

Without waiting for a reply, he sat on the seat in front of freed me, and turning, started inspired story of his life in India. His parents worked there at some factory. In total, he has lived in this exotic country for eight years, three of whom worked under the guidance of yoga gurus. Now Vlad (the so-called sudden my buddy, even though it comes more to the name of Raja and Vijay) returned to their historical homeland, and feel very uncomfortable here. Why he so delighted when they saw minded in my face. And that is why so unceremoniously began a conversation, for that very politely apologized. These explanations seem to me sufficiently convincing to make further acquaintance with Vlad. 

We have become quite frequent. Can spend hours talking about yoga and meditation on the park bench or a tram stop, because they have learned «switched off» from the surrounding chaos of life. With Inna, I ceased to meet - just do not have time. Yogis exercise now, I worked with Vlad. Harmony and lightness - this is what I felt then. It was tremendously exciting, because every day I am increasingly convinced that the love for this guy. 

Soon I led in all these cases. Meditated several times in the day: even in the lectures by professors, and the voice commentary for dinner at home under parental conversations. We arrange with Vlad meditate at the same time, «meeting», thus, outside the visible world. Anyway, so we thought. I started classes at the institute and very lost. Meditation has become for me a necessity. I lit aromatic sticks and includes a cassette with music. All this gave me Vlad. And what I «seen» and experienced «there», it was much to anything that was here in the real world. 

All over a sudden and ridiculous. Once the morning I called my mom Vlad and said that he died .... Since he had a fit of epilepsy in the bathroom, he fell and hit his head on the tile floor. This was a blow to his death. And I did not even know that Vlad has suffered from this disease! I had a nervous breakdown. Meditate, I could no longer. I was afraid that «there» Vlad meeting, as it was before. Concerned parents of my state led me to the doctors, neurologist and psychotherapist enthusiastically took up the treatment. I did not care. 

Severity of heart never left me. I do not know why, but I went to the Orthodox Church. Although previously there has not walked, but I was baptized in infancy. So I came to the churchyard, and in itself can not enter the church, as if some force I can not allow. In the confusion, I was standing at the main entrance, is not able to do at least one step. At my happiness was by a priest. He stopped and talked with me. When I told him about their problems, he gave me to read the book Hieromonk Seraphim Rose and a few books of orthodox writers and philosophers. Of these works indicated that yoga insecure. In other words: that the Indians well, the Russian death (which I do understand). Exercise Yogis - only the tip of the iceberg, and that in the depths? Hatha yoga - only the first step, the next steps are to raja yoga and Buddhism, with its system of values. Yoga just for the health of the body (namely, to that end, we performed Inna asana) is already preparing a person to a certain spiritual beliefs and experiences, that it was not aware. What happened in my case. 

The authors of the books advised the reader to understand that the path of Raja Yoga is the path of God in your searches. Orthodox writer and philosopher, MV Lodyzhensky wrote that preach Raja Yoga Hindu deny divine revelation in the sense, as Christians understand it. They are convinced that the revelation comes not from any particular source, but it has a higher disclosure of "I" in the man. Following these beliefs, a teacher of yoga, and Hinduism, taught his disciples that they were particles of the gods, and with some diligence can attain holiness and power. Priest Rodion in the book "Men and Demons" compared with the approval of yogis vozmechtavshego thoughts about himself Lucifer, who fell from heaven and became Satan. A Christian trust in the Lord, for His mercy and grace, but not to their own infirmities and sins. So from all sides is that I have betrayed Christianity and came under the dark and terrible forces of evil precisely because of yoga. 

I can not say that all of this in me came easy and natural. Quite the contrary. There is one desire - to be as far as possible from both yoga and Buddhism, and of Orthodoxy. And only after many years, I again found the road to the orthodox church. But that is another story

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