Sunday, June 21, 2009

Yoga and religion

No one, no person on this planet, can not live without religion, in other words, without religion. Each of us can not be reconciled with the fact that the time will come, and we simply will not, but the world still continues to exist. 

This idea of each brood, so we are trying to perpetuate his life, believing in the holy immortal soul in heaven or hell or in the Buddhist Dharma and energy. Therefore, in the modern civilized world is increasingly gaining popularity of the theory of reincarnation, according to which we once again return to the land. Incidentally, the home of this theory in India, such return is not very happy and do not consider it a great blessing. No, «even the best minds in the world» (Omar Kayla), does not know what's «behind the line», but all feel like to live forever. This is considered preferable to materialistic emptiness. Therefore, each of us has a certain belief in their immortality. 

From early childhood, even with the mother's milk, we were packed in a box of religiosity, all the charm and complexity that we inherited religion. As a result, people grow a kind of selfish and often are not believers. All of their belief is the corpus of the most elementary rules of conduct that do «privatized» defined religious system, considered to be its brand, but these principles are the same for all religions without exception. None of the religious system does not call rob or kill, do not respect their parents, etc. Religion, carrying a no educational load, yet can not boast of increased morality of mankind. The hatred between human beings is not something that will remain the same, but even growing. Suffice it to recall the terrorist attacks that do not terminate the war, based on the religious hostility. 

Often, the paradox is that high religiosity leads directly to the opposite result. This is called fanaticism. For the believer, there is only a fanatic, the only «concrete bunker», and everything that does not fit into his head, must either be rewritten or destroyed. Already there is no difference between good and evil; there is only one single truth. There are no more nor paradise nor hell. Such people are only in their paradise. 

But the reality, unfortunately, another. The world is constructed and can grow only in love, in the harmony of all forces that it has. We can not do what he wants, you can not kill for the profit of a row, you can not blindly destroy all life. Nature, Reading - higher power, read - God, then punishes us all. We can pray in the temples of many different religions of the world. But if, out of the temple, we have forgotten that God exists not only in the temple, but a number - we will be punished! I think it strange when people do not see God in the ordinary. Do not see it in the fragrant flower, the tiny ants, which seem to be, and no brains, but his little life, his behavior is often a much wiser to life many of us. 

Somehow we consider ourselves, and only a creature of God, and everything else - so even though creation of nature, but it is created, we have attached. From these applications we are doing everything we believe necessary. Nature punishes us indeed, punishes by sending not only the variety of sores, such as AIDS or the chicken flu, as before, no one knew nor heard, but also dangerous typhoons, tornadoes, etc., etc. ... The penalty is already in progress on all fronts, and we, like ostriches, bury the head in the sand, thinking that everything is fine. We look forward to the miracles of medicine that does not keep up with the new and the new warnings. 

In what way? We must understand, first of all, ourselves; we must understand that is an integral part of nature. That is yoga. In one of his article I already wrote that, in principle, yoga is a materialist science. It is science, not the system as we used to call her. Unfortunately, materialism, by virtue of the above is not very popular in this world. Over time, yoga takes some features of religion, but its essence remains the same. This is the science of man as the highest manifestation of nature. This will be brief and more precisely. 

Tell me, what can be beautiful when you go and spend a morning meditation in the rays of the rising sun? Begins a new day, and it is - your meeting with him, a meeting with himself. For yoga, this is prayer, when there is harmony in itself and through itself is an understanding of all that surrounds you. The only way you can understand others and to understand - is to respond adequately to the situation. Maybe this is someone not like it, but meditation - it is really a prayer. This is not silly, once a week, a variety of health benefits themselves and their loved ones. This is not a prayer, when the religious people are coming out of his church with a sense of duty, but then can easily negated my neighbor (as for some reason, that life is cruel), very surprised that their prayers are not heard! 

Only in yoga through asana (physical exercises) and pranayama (breathing exercises), you really become a healthy and flexible, which means beautiful and happy. Only through yoga, you will come to an understanding of their loved ones and friends. You will be beautiful because beauty - is, first of all, health. All this you can only make themselves, at the cost of their own efforts and not through the manipulation of certain temples. I do not want to have the impression that I am against all religious systems. Not at all. Yoga does not contradict any of the known religions or backgrounds. Whether you're Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, yoga will help you to better understand themselves and strengthen them in a particular faith. But your development will be an order of magnitude higher.

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