Sunday, July 5, 2009

Meditation: a sound mind and healthy body

Ancient times the followers of Confucius, Taoists and Buddhists to pay attention to the meditation. Through meditation, they believed, a man cleans his thoughts and clearing your mind. Modern medicine confirms that meditation can improve concentration of mind, to effectively eliminate stress, and even alleviate the chronic disease. Recently, more and more Westerners are practicing meditation, receiving from this great benefit. 

Medical research 

The founder of the Clinic for stress management and awareness of the Center in the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, presented a report on the conscious meditation. He presented the data of ten years of clinical studies for more than 4 000 people who received 8-week course, known as the Program of stress Reduction and Relaxation Program at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. 

Recreational force conscious meditation as a systematic approach to the development of new types of control and wisdom in our lives, based on the internal capacity of the body to relax. This form of meditation can be used in such problems as headaches, high blood pressure, pain, heart disease. They all relate to overstretch. 

Do meditation healthy people? Studying the life of the monks, who spend in meditation sometimes whole life, experts have found that meditation improves cognition. If you - a sensitive man, take to heart everything that happens, then meditation can help change your perception of the world. It will contribute to good mood a long time. If within eight weeks you will be on 1 hour, in contemplation, it will strengthen your mental immune system, enhance positive thinking. 

East and West - two views on one issue 

Residents of East and West belong to the residents of contemplation in the same way. In America, contemplation is not associated with religion. Americans see meditation as an exercise for the mind. They believe that human intellect can practice exercise. They also believe that our thinking can be trained to work with emotions, focus, and discipline the mind. 

In the traditional culture of the East there is a fundamental notion: people - an integral part of nature, and soul and body interact. In addition to meditation, oriental, people are paying attention to the improvement of character, ethics and commit blessings. Their concept is this: when the person is discharged from the mind of earthly thoughts that between mind and body achieve optimum state. 

Practice - criterion of truth 

Visitors can try the following simple method: take the pillow with crossed legs, keep your back straight. If that is so uncomfortable to sit, you can relax the body, close your eyes. Breathe slowly. If there are random thoughts, please feel free to disregard them. Try to avoid feelings. If you can not concentrate, do not worry. Since you have noticed such a situation, it is a step forward. Continue to follow the thoughts that you attend, but did not swim for them. Such practices are to perform better every day, and then your thoughts will become clearer. A good-state of conservation of each day will help you become more stable good mood.

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