Monday, June 15, 2009

Yoga help lose weight

Regular performance of yoga asana certainly makes you feel good every day, because the body becomes more flexible and strong, muscle tension decreases, and improving emotional state. But whether yoga would help lose weight?

Yoga increases endurance in performing asana organism load is grave, but, depending on the available excess weight, perhaps, yoga should be used in combination with other methods for weight loss. Experts emphasize that much depends on the type practiced yoga and regular exercises.

Some yoga asana banal incinerators do not contribute calories, a figure likely to strengthen and gain slender shape, but the total weight loss will not happen unless you do yoga for half an hour 3 times a week (such a course is effective, but is designed for active learning yoga people because it includes exercises that require considerable stamina). For weight loss are very effective combination of yoga and walking trails, for example, or running or other aerobic exercises.

So what can help lose weight? The so-called Astana Vanessa Yoga is the most powerful system of Hath Yoga. This is a classic yoga. Distinguish it from other types is that asana is not performed separately, and the in each other through vines - special dynamic ligaments.

Astana Vanessa Yoga is called dynamic. This is the kind of training, which requires a strict sequence of specific asana, which are linked vinyasami. Nevertheless, a possibility of creating an individual program, the intensity of which can be a specific person. Experts argue that if you love the unpredictability and non-standard training, the Vanessa Yoga just for you. Core exercises make up six sets of asana, which gradually complicated.

Only the first set of exercises consists of 90 items subject to asymmetric asanas in the right and left hand and repeatedly performs certain asana. Retention time of each asana in the average, about 30 seconds and increases gradually up to 2 minutes. If you allocate the time, which is in a static situation, the figure was 65-70% of the total class time. This complex, as no other, demands the participation of the instructor.

Say directly, the man responsible for a serious yoga, it is hardly the aim of slimming only because «condemns» a long and rather tedious exercises, but the effect of them exceeds all expectations. The overall functional burden in the performance of the exercises is very high, except that yoga is very helpful for the whole body as a whole.

Attaches great importance to technology implementation, as inappropriate, execution of asana and venial just not to any effect. General rules for execution of this exercise are the same as for the asana: breathing naturally and freely, all movements should be smooth.

Actually the initial dynamic practice - is greeting the sun or Surya Namaskara. Yoga claim that its implementation is especially useful for people whose work is related to finding a long-term static in one place. The first Surya Namaskara consists of 9 venial.

Direct methods of performing the first Surya Namaskary:

1. There is a need to stand up straight, feet together, heels and big toes should touch. Straight back and away the chest, head slightly tilted forward.

2. Then slowly inhale through the nose, raise your hands up over your head, and put their palms together, head tilted back and look at the fingers - this is the first vanish.

3. Slowly breathe out through your nose, put your hands down, touch your palms to the floor level of the stop, the nose must touch the knee. Legs should be straight. This is the second vanish.

4. Keep the breath and raise only the head - it is the third vanish.

5. Perform exhalation, umpires palms to the floor, move the leg back and down parallel to the floor, you need to rely only on his hands and toes - the fourth vanish.

6. The need to breath prognostic in waist, his hands when it should be straight and your knees and hips do not touch the floor, toes stretch - the fifth vanish.

7. At the expiration coccyx to raise up, head down (parallel to the arms), the heel should be pressed to the floor, but the body is a right angle, the stomach most involved - the sixth vanish.

8. Seventh vanish - go in the third position vinegary.

9. Eighth - go to the second position vinegary.

10. Ninth vanish - go to the first position.

11. The end of the exercises - it is necessary to take an initial position.

It is important to keep the tension of the muscles during exercise.

This little piece of primary set of Astana Vanessa Yoga allows you to create an initial impression of this form of yoga.

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