Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yoga: How to start

We continue to view asana recommended for beginners. Proper execution of asana is achieved with daily sessions for 2 weeks, it is thus necessary to train: daily early morning or late evening. 

7. Intensive counterattraction in Potshot Ana sane 

This Asana promotes intensive counterattraction spine, abdominal organs tonizirovaniyu area, eliminate droop. The pose is difficult to perform. 

1. To stand in Tradesman. Deep breath. 

2. Joining hands behind his back, shoulders massacre, elbows to give back. 

3. Then exhale to rotate your wrist and raise his hands up to the blades. (That is difficult because the muscles and ligaments wrist typically poorly developed). If you just can not put his hands together, you can grab the wrist. 

4. A leap forward in the breath to set his feet about the width of 1 m. exhale. 

5. For the body and breath to turn right on the right foot - toes and heel in line with the body. The left foot is also turned on the right. Head Sit back. 

6. Then breathe out, bend forward (the head should touch the right knee), back stretches (the body should be completely omitted in the leg). 

7. Running posture - 30 seconds. Breathing freely. You then need to slowly take the body to the left knee, is slowly moving around the pelvis. 

8. Then, on inhaling, recline the torso and head back, not bending the right leg. 

9. Mondovi tilts to the left knee. 

10. Then jump back to Tradesman. 

Diseases in which the recommended Parshvottan asana 

Asana is recommended mainly in diseases of the backbone, which may be physical activity. 

8. Pose candles (Sarvangasana) 

This posture is called «the mother of all asana, its development - one of the main tasks of novice yoga, as a positive influence on the whole organism that poses no exaggeration enormous. 

1. So, you must lie on his back, the long, full, strain the legs at the knees, palms face the floor. 

2. On the exhale knees bent to drag the stomach in such a way that pressure on your stomach thigh. In such a situation to make two respiratory cycles. 

3. Then exhale to lift pelvis from the floor, placing his hands with his hands bent at the elbows. In such a situation to make two respiratory cycles. 

4. Exhalation lift the body perpendicular to the floor, the chest should touch the chin. On the floor are only allowed to stay neck and neck, shoulders, the back surface of the forearms. The legs are still bent at the knees. In such a situation to make two respiratory cycles. 

5. Only then pulled his feet up (fingers stretch too). 

6. Running posture - 5 minutes. Breathing freely. 

7. On the exhale slowly, gently down, relax. 

Note: if the asana cannot at once, it is recommended to use the first support, such as benches. 

Diseases in which the recommended Sarvangasana 

Diseases of the spine and the inflammatory nature of nevospalitelnogo (arthritis and arthritis), asthma, neurological disorders, including insomnia, bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases and varicose disease, hemorrhoids, hypotension (low blood pressure), vegetovascular vascular distain, headache , including migraine, dizziness, diabetes, stomach illness, impotence, disturbance of menstrual cycle, gas in the intestine, acute and chronic rhinitis, flatfoot, gout, kidney disease, prostitutes, colds, tonsillitis, chronic fatigue syndrome. 

9. Pose plow (Hal asana) 

Pose a plow is an integral part poses a candle, or rather, its prodozheniem. 

1. Serving asana Run. 

2. Then carefully delete the body, moving his hands and feet of his head and lowering the toes on the floor. 

3. The legs should be completely straightened. 

4. Place the palms on the waist, the body perpendicular to the floor. 

5. Pulled his hands in position, the opposite position of legs, come long fingers and pull the legs and hands. 

6. The next step is to bind the hands and fingers to turn your wrist so that they were lying on the floor. Continue to pull the arms and legs in opposite directions. 

7. Running posture - from 1 to 5 minutes depending on the preparation. Breathing freely. 

8. Then slowly take Sarvangasanu and down on the floor. 

Diseases in which the recommended Hal asana 

Diseases of the spine and the inflammatory nature of nevospalitelnogo (arthritis and arthritis), respiratory diseases, hypertension, headaches, including migraine, fatigue. 

10. Corpse poses (Shavian or Mritasana) 

This posture of full relaxation. It teaches the art of yoga, Asana full of stillness and peace of mind. 

1. To lie on his back and completely relax. Brushes should lie with your palms facing upwards. Heels together, toes divorced. Close your eyes. 

2. First, you need to breathe deeply, and breathing becomes more superficial. 

3. There is a need to adopt a relaxed posture in which even the pupils of eyes should not move. 

4. Running posture - 15-20 minutes. 

Diseases in which the recommended Hal asana 

Asana is especially recommended for removing tension and stress, with headaches, menstrual disorders, premenstrual syndrome, general anxiety, to facilitate labor (yoga for pregnancy and childbirth - is a separate discussion), heart disease and chronic fatigue are also a testimony to Shavian. 

How many of you will take time to perform these asana, the question of an individual, initially - at least an hour and a half. However, this is in accordance with the classical concepts of yoga. Daily exercises can afford not all, therefore, advised to deal with 2-3 times a week. Accordingly, the development of the initial rate will be longer

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