Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What you need to know about yoga?

Contrary to popular belief, yoga may not all - it is not in character and not the physical constitution of man, but firm with the rules, without which the full-yoga does not make sense. 

These rules are simple in execution, but require discipline from beginner yoga: 

First, all the asana should be performed on an empty stomach, if it is impossible for any reason, the lessons you can only drink a cup of tea, coffee, cocoa, milk, but not later than one hour before the start of classes. After a solid meal should be at least 4 hours. After classes you can eat in half an hour. These simple rules, you want to observe, in general, involved in any kind of training, the generations are not just for yogis - any rule, surprisingly, has an explanation from the medical point of view. Classes are on full stomach is not desirable due to the fact that virtually all asana yoga stimulates the so-called massage internal organs, increasing the circulation of all body fluids, including those who are directly in the different organs. Particularly contribute to this inverted asana, which may not affect the authorities due to their fullness. 

Secondly, you need to exercise to release bowel and bladder. Otherwise permitted to perform only two asana: Sirshasana (stand on your head) and Sarvangasana (which stand on the shoulders, it is called the mother of all asanas, because of its positive impact on the entire organism is priceless). 

The third is to engage in yoga are encouraged to either early morning or late at night - depending on what effect you want to get to classes. Accordingly, if you want to find a tone and energy - yoga will be helpful in the morning to relax and removing stress yoga better deal late last night. Naturally, morning and evening exercises complexes are slightly different. 

And fourthly, it is recommended before and after classes to take a shower. 

In the fifth, asana should be performed in a well ventilated area, it is not recommended to engage in the bare floor. 

In the sixth, in the performance of asanas, as well as after school, there should be no negative feelings in the muscles. Symptoms of stress and muscle fatigue suggest performing the wrong exercises. During the asanas, all movements should be smooth and easy breathing - a free, through the nose, eyes open (you can just turn a blind eye to achieve full implementation of perfection asanas), breathing go astray when, followed a feeling of fatigue performance of asanas is better to stop, because this situation effects suggests that the body feels bad. 

In the seventh, recently emphasized the unique benefits of yoga for women. That is true. But there are some caveats, such as during menstruation is not recommended to perform asana, only some of them may be useful in painful and heavy periods, for example, Baddha Konasana and Uttanasana. These postures relieve menstrual pain, Uttanasana helps get rid of nervous tension recommended easily excitable and irritable people. 

It is now popular systems of yoga exercises for pregnant women. The possibility of their implementation depends on the duration of pregnancy. In the first trimester, you can fulfill all asana. In addition, recommended a few asanas that will not only strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and lumbar spine, but also much easier during childbirth. That is all the same Baddha Konasana and Upavishta Konasana. The only remark: All the exercises should be carried out smoothly, a sense of tension or pain to be in no way should be. For pregnant women is very useful Pranayama (deep, regular respiration) without delay of breathe, because it facilitates the normal flow of nutrients to the child. Life is not measured by the number of yoga days and the number of breath - Technology Pranayama learn all their lives. In the postpartum period is recommended to wait a month and a full range of yoga exercises you can do only 3 months after childbirth. 

Standing yoga not only alter the physical condition of the person. Man becomes a disciplined and calm. Yoga, of course, is aimed at improving the body, but the primary goal of yoga - the maintenance of health and physical and mental.

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