Thursday, June 18, 2009

Yoga seriously

Unusual popularity of yoga leads one to ask why such an exotic type of training to Russia so nice lived sports clubs and the minds of modern women. It is among the women won the greatest popularity of yoga. Yoga is now rarely used in the classical sense, taught fitness yoga, which is used to create a good stretch, and as gymnastics after fitness. 

Yogi is associated with the vast majority of people with the person sitting in the lotus posture or standing on his head. The fact that the technique of yoga, which comes to us from the mouth of trainers and coaches, in most cases limited to a few exercises and doing them hardly think about the original purpose of the manipulation of their own bodies. 

Meanwhile, everyone knows that in the culture of yoga provides all the wisdom of the Indian people - here and philosophy, and culture, and everyday life, and care for beauty, and even the art of dance, a system of feeding and social behavior. Of course, yoga is now - a very fashionable activity. However, all the developments taking place eventually, what remains? People involved in yoga seriously devoted to her every day, not one hour. In addition, what can yoga with episodic and not very regular training? 

If we talk seriously 
It has long been proven beneficial effects of yoga on the human body. The reason for health effects to the fact that most yoga asana involve those muscles, which are practically not used in everyday life. Special provisions asana, sometimes-requiring considerable stamina, flexibility and physical stress, allow the process to involve local groups of muscles, improving blood circulation in the area and that is important, affecting the internal organs. 

Another interesting explanation: the human body can be thought of as a system of interconnected cavities that are filled with various liquids and gases. With the help of yoga exercises, performed a kind of hydraulic massage, which is in the process of implementation allows internal volume change certain body cavities and the pressure in them. Specialists warn: this is the reason why the speed of asana should be slow, because the motion of fluid in the human body is limited anatomically! 

As a result, unhurried exercise increases blood flow not only in muscles but also in internal organs, which at the appropriate length, and (!) The training gives visible results, and good yoga instructor will select a special set of exercises for each individual person. Increased blood flow improves all body systems, including the work of the nervous system, and given the constant stress of modern life, a large number of diseases (even the new, by the way - chronic fatigue syndrome), the benefits of yoga is becoming evident. 

Of course, yoga cannot deal with it all: someone finds such trifling matter of training and unproductive, because they are not directed at sculptural molding the body. However, the vitality and the overall condition of the body with a serious approach to business improvement, even in the busy rhythm of everyday life. 

Scientific Approach 
So, all the exercises of yoga can be divided into 6 groups: pulling, twisting, power, reversed, compressed and equilibrium. Each group of asana affects a certain group of muscles and organs. Typically, a set of exercises - this alternation of different asana in a certain sequence. 

Tensile asana: impact on the group of muscles located on the front and rear surfaces of the body. The most famous of them: 

Cobra pose is indispensable in the injured spinal column; the specialists call it a cure for the patient back. With minor shifts of vertebrae, the discs pose returns to the normal position. 

Camel pose gives tone to the backbone, as if done correctly, the spine is fully stretched. 

Some of the tensile items at first glance quite simple but are not recommended in the initial stages of yoga, because not only require considerable muscle tone and stretch. For example, pose the wheel. 

This same group - expanding items - also Yoga-mudra posture and head to your knees (Pashimottanasana). 

Twisting asana: operate on the group of muscles located on the sides of the body. Many of them are very complex to implement and require considerable training. For example, a twisted spine posture (Ardha Matsiendrasana) is recommended only for the 21 th week of intensive training. 

By wringing asana also known triangle pose (Trikonasana) and its variations. 

Power asana: do not lead to the extension of any muscle, but complex in execution, and require high voltage. For example, in the standing posture - posture warrior (Virabhandrasana) - so heavy that it is not recommended to stay a long time to people having problems with the cardiovascular system. In this posture the chest is fully expanded, leading to deep breathing. 

Inverted poses - the same, which alter the circulation of fluid in the body. This group includes the famous stand at the head (Sirshasana). The pose is considered exclusively a tonic for mental activity. Pose a long workout, but without the training and advice, the instructor can harm their own body. 

Compressed asana exercise pressure on certain body zones. For example, pose a cow (Gomukhasana) - it involves many muscles, spine, and lungs. 

Finally, the equilibrium asana designed to maintain a balance - they can be, for example, «continuation» warrior poses (Virabhandrasana III), when you use it in constant training develops balance and stability. All movements of the asana affect posture and gait, as strengthen the necessary muscles. 

I would like to add just one thing: yoga - not just a modern development, it is quite reasonable from a medical point of view, the approach to their own health, which requires serious treatment.

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