Thursday, June 18, 2009

Yoga of spiritual perfection

The word "yoga" is translated from Sanskrit language means "union, connection, communication, unity, harmony." The history of yoga has about 5000 years. This method of teaching and management of mental health and human physiology. 

Yoga recognizes the existence in man of goodwill and ability to manage organic and inorganic processes and bodies, through the organization of a psyche. This system has made great strides in the management of respiratory and other physiological functions of the body in the desired mental states rights. The basic philosophical idea of yoga is the idea of relevance of human psychophysiology and the cosmos (the universe the body). 

The history of modern yoga began with the Chicago Parliament of Religions in 1893, where the American public has made a great impression of a public figure Indian yogi Swami Vivekananda. After some time, yoga has become one of the most popular system of physical culture and a means of self-improvement. In Russia yoga has come from America and Western Europe. 

Yogic path of spiritual development involves the following steps: 

- Pit; 
- Niyama; 
- Asan; 
- Pranayama; 
- Pratyahara; 
- Dharana; 
- Samadhi. 


The general moral requirement. The great ethical commandments, true for all religions, peoples and times: non-violence (ahimsa), truthfulness (Satya), nevorovstvo (asteya), chastity (brahmacharya) nestyazhatelstvo (aparigraha). Failure to observe these precepts breeds violence, chaos, lies, jealousy and theft. 


Discipline. Regulation of individual behavior. There are five niyam: cleanliness (shaucha), study I (svadhyaya), satisfaction (Santos), zeal (TAPAS), and devotion to God 


Gymnastics, poses that provide health and human mobility, relieve fatigue, calm nerves and promote the concentration of mind. Asanas perfected over the centuries so as to affect every muscle, nerve and every gland body. During the asanas the body takes shape, resembling a variety of substance. 

Asanas are the names of animals, birds, plants, insects, for example: a lotus (Padma), Scorpion (vrichika), fish (Mats), herons (tank), dog (Schwan), camel (ushtra), etc. Having mastered asana, the man turns to the fourth stage of yoga - Pranayama. 


Managing your breath control, involving the management of all respiratory functions: breaths (puraka), exhalation (rechaka) and breath holding (kumbhaka). Study suggests that human life is not measured by the number of days and number of breath. Slow and deep breathing strengthens the respiratory system, calms nerves and weakens the will, thereby facilitating the release and concentration of mind. 


Exemption from the power of the mind senses and external objects. At this stage of yoga a person learns to control their feelings. According to the teachings of yoga, mind, bound to the objects of desires, is slavery, the same loss of them - brings liberation. 


Concentration. When a person has mastered his body and annealed asanas, pranayama mind, and feelings - pratyaharoy, he reaches the sixth stage of yoga - dharany. At this stage it is totally focused on one object or task. To achieve this state of mind must be completely calm down. 


The peak of meditation is a state of samadhi. Feelings and body a rest, as in a dream, but the mind acts as if waking. The state of samadhi the words to express it is not possible, a person who has reached the top of the meditation, give up the material world and plunged into eternity. 

The goal of yoga is to achieve and maintain this harmony. This objective has several dimensions: Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Dzhnani Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Yoga Лая, Jhapa or Mantra Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and so on. 

Raja Yoga - this is the rule of conscience over all three beginnings rights, development Sverhsoznaniya and understand with the help of God. It is also called "the supreme, royal Yoga." It reveals all the potential of the individual. It uses sophisticated methods of psychic self-regulation (self, feelings of distraction from the internal and external stimuli, concentration, etc.). 

Hatha Yoga is the preparatory stage of Raja-Yoga. The term "Hatha" symbolic and has a deep philosophical meaning. "Ha - the sun," Tha "- the moon. It is a symbol of the unity of opposite principles. In opposing the beginning of the universe exist at all (warm - cold, positive - negative, light - darkness, the electron - proton, a man - a woman and so on). The unity and harmony of opposites create balance. Hatha Yoga - this is the doctrine of physical harmony, or harmony, achieved by physical means on the body (diet, breathing, asana, hydrotherapy procedures, etc.) as opposed to mental means Raja Yoga. 

Hatha yoga is physical perfection and well-being, which is important for the body, mind and spirit of man. It teaches how to achieve long, healthy and happy life through improved health. Health - is the universal wealth. It is no coincidence that many authoritative Yoga Hatha Yoga considered the initial step in spiritual development, because "in a healthy body - healthy mind". Incidentally, this phrase appears in the Sanskrit sources, which date back to VII-VI centuries BC. 

Bhakti Yoga - devotion, service to God, unselfish love of God, the whole universe, which is His creation. Through such disclosure harmonization of the soul happens personality and unity with God. 

Karma Yoga - the active work and action. Any action, the work must be performed with utmost dedication and attention, it is absolutely free. They should be devoted to God, to become positive, Divine. Herein lies the secret of success in Yoga, in reaching God. 

Dzhnana Yoga - the achievement of God through knowledge, hard study and practice of all that contributes to the acquisition of Divine Wisdom. Divine wisdom - it is harmony of knowledge, drawn from the sacred scriptures, as well as from the lips of teachers, and audited in practice. 

Tantra Yoga - the study of the nature of the interaction of opposites and achieve harmony through sexual activity, which is achieved unity with God through the control of feelings, emotions, the special techniques and mantras. 

Yoga - the use of rhythms and vibrations coming from space and have an impact on the biosphere of Earth, that is yoga space, contributing to the achievement of harmony through knowledge of biological micro-and macroworld, dissolution of consciousness and its transformation into Sverhsoznanie, understand God. According to the yogis, but now agree with that as modern medicine and biology, the basis of the overwhelming number of cases based on violations bioritmicheskih processes (biological) at various levels - from the molecular, subcellular up to the level of organs, systems and organs of the body as a whole. Yoga helps to prevent and treat diseases associated with the violation of biorhythms (desinhronozy) live, as they say yoga, in harmony with the universe, with its rhythms. 

Kriya Yoga - internal and external purification, moral and ethical aspect of Yoga. Before absorb any kind of yoga, it is necessary to pass Kriya Yoga. To grow a good crop, you need to clear the abandoned land, uproot the stumps. And in teaching yoga. The student must get rid of their own shortcomings, the negative character traits, bad habits, ignorance, and instead to cultivate a positive quality, without which progress in Yoga is possible. 

Mantra or hapa Yoga - the impact of sound vibrations through the mental and oral pronunciation and singing certain vowels, syllables, the repetition of the name of God. At the same time there are certain sound vibrations, positive impact on the physical, mental and spiritual beginning of man. 

Kundalini Yoga - the development and use of hidden forces Rights (Kundalini). It is kind of Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga. 

There are other, relatively rare aspects of yoga (Nada Yoga, Samadhi Yoga, etc.) that often are derivatives or synonyms of the above species. 

This division of yoga is to some extent conditional, but is of great methodological importance since it enables them to engage in Yoga to all people regardless of gender, age, profession, religion, nationality, tailored to suit each individual student, his personality, needs and inclinations. In fact, all aspects of yoga are mutually reinforcing. These elements are used in the development of any guidelines for this exercise. Therefore, many yoga centers in India, the practice of so-called Purna Yoga, a Yoga or a comprehensive synthesis of all aspects of Yoga. 

In India there are different schools of Yoga, which are minor and often neprintsipialnye differences. But the most accepted is considered to be the direction taken by New Delhi in the heart of yoga, as well as the Institute of Yoga terrapin and Yoga kultarr in the city of Lucknow - the capital of the largest Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

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