Friday, June 19, 2009

Face Yoga

Beauty ... It is not born a woman, from the mouth of which the word is not sletelo be several thousand times throughout their lives. Now that this is interesting: despite the fact that the tastes of all women have different perceptions of beauty, as a rule, not too different. You do not wonder why? 

Apparently, this does happen because the original, with its very birth of each person, like a musical instrument, is the nature of a certain wave, which he unconsciously perceives positively all that is natural and harmonious in terms of natural laws, and negative - that all this controversy. 

Probably another and can not be: because every living being, a woman in particular, is a true child of nature, which means that it must be useful and feature all natural and harmonious, and the rest - is alien. In addition, this applies absolutely all: starting with «second skin» rights, clothing, and ending with his diet and exercise. 

On the latter, in fact, will be discussed. Moreover, this philosophical introduction was needed to better understand that, like all others, the best gymnastics that which is borrowed from nature: the animals, birds and plants. 

In addition, this gym - yoga. Only her posture and movements mirror frill and pandiculation animals, only the exercises combine elements of the breathing exercises and relaxation and does not require the presence of any fitness or any other devices. Just as material costs. Instead, they normalize the blood circulation, rejuvenate the body and, importantly, resulted in a complete order rickety nervous system. Moreover, even if charged, yoga is not exposed to the entire organism as a whole, but only one person. That is, namely, that portion of the female body, which serves as the main «visiting card» of any person, and therefore has no right not to conform. 

Therefore, it is too late, let us put in front of a mirror and start gymnastics: start building grimaces yoga. 

To do this, first look at the monkey and as a real chimpanzee, demitted lips and pull them forward, and as far as possible: Zamora in the posture monkey kiss, then relax. Repeat the first grimace, like everyone else, at least 10 times. And then the lips will not stretch, and roll them inwards and compress again Zamora with for a while and relaxing. 

The same is recommended to do and with your chin: pulling it forward and the movement of his right-left strengthens the neck muscles, and the chin avoids the appearance of his double. 

In order not to prematurely flabby cheeks, yoga offers to imagine themselves at the time ... cow: imagine that you have to cheek - cud, well, or just a balloon, if a cow is not to your liking. Then the perceived content of the mouth roll it under the cheeks, the under lip. Until the very day before, and so on, and on other nonrazoletsya pleasant warmth. 

It happened - then turns into a high and dry fish, and start as much as possible to open your mouth, Zamia in this posture and relaxing alternately, trying «yawn» to breath and relax your muscles - at expiration. 

At last, no sin in itself and image in the mirror then right, then left eye alternately. But while ensuring that the eyes, but straining their muscles and Zamia for a few seconds and then relaxing. 

Following metamorphosis, all produced by a muscle a person must come in a tone that did not slow down over time, affect the color of the face and skin condition. 

In addition, in order for the process of becoming a beauty to accelerate, it is possible, in addition to the daily charge set at a prominent place your favorite photo: the one where you like their own. Systematic its contemplation will not only improve your mood, but also help bring the maximum reflection in the mirror to loved to photograph, because of yoga are inclined (and not without reason) to believe that all our thoughts - material. That is, if we constantly about something we think, first becomes, and dreaming, our thoughts inevitably become the flesh and turn to the desired - even if at first glance seems quite incredible.

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