Friday, June 19, 2009

Awakening in Tibetan

Unity and struggle of opposites - that a law which is all around us, and we are including. No clogging his head such a philosophy, we nevertheless offer the possibility of daily two energetic start - Yang, male, and the yin, the female - to work together in our body and balance each other. 

Since, as is usually conducted, the opposite started to fail to agree, but at the same time and can not exist without each other, Yang continuously generates energy and unbridled passion within us, as their yin priglushaet, soothes, body in order to prevent a catastrophe. When the two starts able to agree among themselves and to maintain balance, our feelings and sensations «fly» to the summit of bliss, and when the power contacts violated the disease begins to creep. 

From this vision of all illnesses built healers of Ancient East: they believed that the cause of all human ills is not a condition of the flesh, and the spirit, energy. Ancient physicians believed that the inside of our body trodden under the bed, like a river, from one body to another flow of life-giving force, carrying health and well-being. In addition, to the very long as the mighty river and the affluent, the body is strong. But as soon as the spiritual forces weaken, the power beginnings Yang and Yin begins imbalance, leading to the emergence of a nearby organ pathology first and then the whole body as a whole. 

In order to penetrate into the gap suddenly formed «dam», ancient Chinese doctors have learned to irritate certain acupuncture points, the impact of that helps the energy flow to restore its flow, and thus stabilize the condition of the body. And although usually the impact of such a conduct adopted by acupuncture, the monks of Tibet that have learned to avoid the unpleasant procedure of starting a new day in bed gymnastics, which is able to perform each. 

So, are you ready? Then, having woken up, not wasting away the time, put his hands on his ears in a way that the thumbs were behind them. A little push on the ears, push them to the head, and start moving your hands up and down - 20 times. This exercise stabilizes the work of facial nerve, improves eyesight, strengthens the gums, prevents premature wrinkles, and improves education blood circulation in the temporal part. 

Once the ears warmed, without opening the eyes, put his right hand on his forehead, and left - on top of it and begin to move the hands to the right-left 20 times. Perform an exercise in such a way that little finger movement occurred along the eyebrows. So we obviously relieves itself from the headaches and dizziness due to activation Janise energy channels. 

For loom finished. We turn now to the eye: for the outside of the bent fingers begin to massage big eyeball. Making it around 15-25 times. Following this exercise comes in the order of the nervous system, and the vision becomes more acute. 

Free energy channels, located in the area of the face and head, drops below: To put the palms of the hands on your stomach, while bending the legs at the knees in a way that the stomach was relaxed. Making circular motion on your hands clockwise 30-50 times, then disappear unpleasant sensations in the pancreas, liver and gall bladder, kidneys and reproductive organs. It also improves peristalsis thick intestine, because the stones are broken stool. In addition, stronger muscles and prevents lowering of peritonitis. 

Now, when the muscle belly «awake», with the palm of your hand, you can remove the stomach and propose to work independently, then alternately then pulling it. This activity is not in a position to replace the previous one; it merely complements it and helps those suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Complete people doing exercise every day can get rid of excess fat reserves and relatively healthy - to eliminate the phenomenon of stagnation of bile and blood. 

The end of exercise could be bending the legs at the knees, with hands that, if possible, should try to squeeze the legs bent to your chest. Thus the internal massage can be achieved not only pain, but also the stomach to the rib cage. 

Now you can wake up and open your eyes. And lowering the foot to the floor, do not forget to rotate pomassirovat extraction of both feet, for the convenience of putting one foot to another: namely, that depression in the ground all the active focus point, are responsible for correctly chief «lift» body - of the spine, without the proper work of which the normal circulation energy is impossible. 

You feel fine. You bet! Tibetan monks know the full sense of awakening!

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