Sunday, June 14, 2009

Breathing Going Healthy

The importance of correct breathing, which provides full-metabolism in the body and as a consequence, many biological processes, stresses not only the teachings of yoga. Almost every ancient art of healing the body (which, incidentally, have a lot of similarities) practiced a breathing technique. Yoga in general argue that less than and deeper breathing, the longer life! 

In the classical yoga is considered the next step after the development of asana, and modern yoga argue that you can master the technique of breathing and in the beginning of classes. Since in any case, has a positive effect, you can practice, observing several conditions (actually, as in yoga). The theory of yoga suggests that asana discipline the human body, improve the self and contribute to concentration and mental abilities. All of these factors is extremely useful to start practicing. 


1. Breathing techniques you need to learn gradually, too fast a rhythm of training can have a negative impact on health. 
2. practice is desirable at the same time every day. Beginner level requires 15 minutes a day. 
3. There are several techniques of they must alternate classes in no way should be the same every day. 
4. Breathing should be controlled. 
5. Classes should not be undertaken on an empty stomach or, by contrast, immediately after the meal, if you're hungry - better to have a cup of milk, and bladder and bowel should be empty. Between meals and should be four to six hours, after practice, you can have half an hour. 
6. Room for classes should be well ventilated. 
7. Do not deal with children. 
8. Improper performance of breathing exercises leads to irritability, pain in the lungs, headaches. On the contrary, allows the correct execution of the behavior of balance, focus and improve the efficiency, of course, is slow and sustained health. 
9. There are special methods of during pregnancy and after childbirth. At the time of menstruation is different technology from the usual. 

A simple breathing technique implementation 

Take one of the items that are intended to perform Siddhasana, Virasana, Padmasana and Baddha Konasana. 
The back is straightened, the shoulders raspravleny and omitted. 
Make a full deep breath, the stomach «hitch». Then, on 8 hits the heart of the following breathing exercise: 
Bottom breath: draw the abdomen inwards to the spine to breath, to exhale vypyatit stomach and relax the muscles of the abdominal press. 
Average breath: the breath to expand the chest and relax on the exhale. 
Superior breath: after normal inhalation inhale through the nose to do in order to lift the chest. At expiration, delete the shoulders down. 
After running to hold your breath for 4 stroke - to exhale to keep his chest in a raised condition, stomach tighten. 
Then within 6 strokes to delete the edge and another 2 to make a blow to exhale pull your stomach. 


Each respiratory cycle in consists of 4 phases: inhalation, breath holding after inhalation, exhalation, breath holding after exhalation. There are 5 levels in terms of development and complexity. Each level has its own recommendations to implement the various techniques of breathing. For example, at the preparatory level required to perform are only two methods of (by the way, «internal» levels of this technique, there are 13 ...) and Viloma (in this technique 9 stages of development). 

 like asana, have a certain name, formed from different associations. For example, «ud» means an increase, the superiority, «Jaya» means a victory, success, and, on the other hand, composure. In Uddzhayi lungs fully expanded, and the thorax as the mighty conqueror. «Loma» shall mean the hair, «vision» - separation or denial. «Viloma» means «the wrong way», in spite of the existing order of thin

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