Saturday, June 13, 2009

Warm up for Yogis ... and not just for them!

In vain, we think that it is impossible to make in our lives an element of exoticism. For example, there was no obstacle to work to address ... Yoga! Yes, the ancient art has some exercises that can fully relax the spine and the energy in the second half of the working day. Exercise is also suitable for people who are sedentary. Note that they are recommended for any level of physical fitness and body weight at all. 

The next exercise will not only help reduce tension in the spine, and strengthen the muscles of the abdominal press, beneficially affect the digestive organs and the cardiovascular system. With the systematic implementation of it helps to reduce the fat layer of the waist and abdomen. The required number of repetitions - 3. 

1. There is a need to sit on the edge of a chair. The back should be straight, shoulders, chin slightly lifted. Legs at shoulder width, feet fully lowered to the floor. Hands along the body. 

2. The breath left hand engulfed back chairs and a maximum take back the left shoulder and stay in that position for several seconds. 

3. at the expiration of the original take. 

4. in the next breath to repeat the exercise in the right side. 

5. Then the exercise is complicated: you need to grab a chair with both hands, unfolded left. Stay in that position for several seconds. 

6. Repeat the exercise in the other direction. 

Breath throughout the exercise must remain flat. All you need to stretch muscles «feel» of. If done correctly, involves the muscles of neck, back, abdominal press, hands, and lateral muscles of the body. If they are continuing the implementation of the consolidation, but if you are running them at work, there is a relaxation. 

The next exercise relieves tired muscles with the neck, removes nervous tension. The required number of repetitions - 3. 

1. There is a need to sit on the edge of a chair. The back should be straight, shoulders, chin slightly lifted. Legs at shoulder width, feet fully lowered to the floor. Hands along the body. 

2. Just need to head back, arms bend at the elbows and put his head. 

3. The breath should be pulling back, most divorced elbows, pull back, and neck. 

4. To stay in that position for not less than 7 seconds. Encouraged to gradually increase this time. 

Rotating the shoulders strengthens back muscles and increases their elasticity, strengthens the muscles of the hands, of course, relieves muscle tension in the middle of the day. The required number of repetitions - 3. 

1. There is a need to sit on the edge of a chair. The back should be straight, shoulders, chin slightly lifted. Legs at shoulder width, feet fully lowered to the floor. Hands along the body. 

2. At inhaling raise the left shoulder, to exhale deleted. Breathing should be very smooth and deep. 

3. Then the same thing to repeat to the right shoulder. 

4. After that, perform rotary movements by both shoulders, first forward then backward. 

Head massage relieves nervous tension and headaches, helps to concentrate. The required number of repetitions - 3. 

1. There is a need to sit on the edge of a chair. The back should be straight, shoulders, chin slightly lifted. Legs at shoulder width, feet fully lowered to the floor. Hands along the body. 

2. Left hand bend at the elbow, palm attach to the left temple. Require a massive temporal area of ground in the palm of your hand for 2 minutes. Movement should be smooth, pressure - light, and breathing - free and deep. 

3. Then repeat the same thing for the right side. 

4. Perhaps the implementation of the massage immediately with both hands. 

5. Final drill: the two-handed massage forehead light circular motion. 

All movements must be gentle, be deleted in the rocket head massage. 

We do not recommend doing these exercises immediately after a meal, if it was tight. Gymnastics can be made at any time of day. The complex is aimed primarily at the relaxation of the muscle groups that are most affected, with «sit» work. 

The apparent ease of these exercises is misleading. When their implementation significantly improves not only the blood circulation in these groups of muscles, but also developing so-called resistance to long-term static, including the constant sitting. That is, people do not experience discomfort during a long stay in the same situation. Not stated: «All of a genius». 

It is possible that for a good mood and well-being needs only a small self in the daily performance of a small set of exercises...

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