Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bad habits and Yoga

Bad habits have become an integral part of humanity is very, very long time. We do not perceive some of them as harmful, for example, who is called pernicious addiction to coffee? A total prevalence of smoking in any form or understatement (or underestimation?) That subsequently leads to harmful habits to cancer, infertility and weight of other, sometimes irreversible, effects. 

In relation to the most common habit - smoking - humanity is divided into two groups: a community of people constantly tries to quit smoking, the other and not trying to do. Everyone knows the widespread expression of Mark Twain to give up smoking? Nothing is easier! I threw myself a hundred times. It said the strength of this habit ... In the meantime, those people who are really aware of the need for refraining from smoking, for example, under a real threat to the emergence or further development of serious diseases (those that pose a threat to life or threatened disability, were able to quit smoking . 

Typically, the organism is very difficult to accept the rejection of the usual servings of nicotine. The standard for the heavy smoker is considered cigarette at the slightest nervous strain. From the perspective of yoga, which generally contributes to the withdrawal from the body of harmful substances, the most useful in the process of non-smoking technique Panorama? First, asana and panorama purely psychological help to escape from intrusive thoughts about cigarettes. Second, in physiological terms is easier to give up cigarettes and nicotine-replacement therapy, since the exercise metabolism, remove the effect of multiple toxins, and neutralize nicotine receptor deficiency, which is due to the desire to smoke a cigarette. 

The next set is designed to help people quit smoking. The basic requirement - a clear daily execution of all asana, preferably at the same time. Add more plant foods in the diet; drink more mineral water, green tea. Take your vitamins. Try to give up coffee, because this drink in cigarette can trigger headaches. In the main complex consists of asana, most of which are aimed at relaxation, so it can be recommended as relaxing for humans, for example, whose work is connected with the constant stress. 

Tad asana 
Baddha Konasana 

All activities relate to the initial level of development of yoga, so do not represent the complexity of implementation. It is also very useful stand on the shoulders or posture Candles, but it can be added to this complex only if the full development of the asana and the good of their portability. 

The very fact that the asana and panorama have to perform every day, preferably at the same time, the discipline and sets it to a certain mood, creating the so-called «anchor», which was a cigarette before. The tension is quite high performance of asana (with proper motion), and it allows you to escape from extraneous thoughts. It is no secret that tobacco dependence plays a big role is the psychological aspect. Cigarettes - this is a kind of stick-, which allows coping with the stress-minute, out of the problem. However, such a decision situation - a deceptive way. 

Of course, set up in such a little different class too psychologically quite difficult, especially the man had never engaged in any gymnastics. However, the feature of yoga is that it is suitable for most people. In yoga asana, you can choose virtually any human being, taking into account the characteristics of the organism and associated diseases. In addition, the effectiveness of this ancient method of health is proved for centuries, as modern sophisticated versions of yoga as a synthesis of modern methods of fitness you can talk not only about health but also the aesthetic effects of asana.

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