Friday, June 24, 2011

Why do some yoga thrown seven

A person feels an unprecedented relief.  Brightening up, he begins to teach life all around (as I am now, for example).  Nearby protest, of course, sometimes causing the rescue of psychiatrists and the clergy.  They live somewhere else is not bothered and giving up meat for them - slow suicide (which might be true).  After that, offended by "the wise Yogi 'cast and the family, calling himself a" lone stranger "," warrior of light ", well, or even someone like that.  He may even go live in Goa, which of course contribute to its "development."
This stage may last a year or two, but can take a long time.  Many bright moments will experience yoga over the years, lose weight, grow up, learn to throw his legs over his head and, of course, experience samadhi ", which is then required to write in an esoteric forum under the pseudonym" Putnik "(I kid you not - spied into the first Online Yoga).
Most likely, it will become even yoga ticherom, God forbid, will see energy.  And, as in transferring reality, will sell their desire ...  And his beautiful photos of juicy-horse-asana (this is not I thought of) you will definitely see v Kontakte.
Seriousness, severity, and even the "energetic" will be...  But will the joy in his eyes?

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