Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why not throw all the yoga family and career

Yoga leave family and work - not the dog is buried there!  As I was afraid before under-collection of something, and now I am afraid, only with more money and am afraid that some "evil."  She was afraid of hunger and disease, and now I am afraid, but while still eat meat I'm afraid, not to stain his "pure" body.  She was afraid of being alone - and afraid, but also their neighbors leave alone ...
It was then that I started my whole yoga from scratch.  Work began anew.  Salary is sometimes even more than it was (though all are now going to school).  Relatives and friends are my back for me.  Even with the men I meet (but do not tell anyone!).  And the subway ride.  In general, no different from others.  However, from what "others" are now hard to say.  Because someone in the eye or look - I see myself: the same fears, the same ambitions and the same longing for love.

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