Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Hatha Yoga

The direction, the most widely spread in the west. The name is formed by two roots of "ha" - "sun" and "tha" - "Moon", which indicates a desire for balance between effort and relaxation, energy and consciousness, the masculine and feminine. Word as a whole can be literally translated as "strength" or "force". In this case, it all starts with the serious work with the body. In a lazy man, nearly every one of us, at this point it may be a reasonable question: why "karyachitsya 'up a sweat when you can just sit under a tree and think of something beautiful or smart read books in anticipation of enlightenment. Alas, all is not so simple. Try it yourself and you'll see for yourself. First of all, you do not get long to sit in one position, the body soon zanoet and zatechet. Secondly, the mind, too, refuses to obey and you will think about what it wants, in other words randomly jump from one topic to another. On closer examination, to cope with the body will be somewhat easier than with the mind, although this will require a systematic effort. In principle, it is quite logical: if you do not own something that you can see and touch, how can subdue something intangible and elusive? In addition, one of the fundamental esoteric principles states: both inside and outside, that is, by acting on the body, we simultaneously has an impact on consciousness, which will gradually change along with the physical body.

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