Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Aligns the body of the Hero

The correct position of the pelvis - a pledge of a strong and healthy spine. Imagine that your pelvis - a bowl filled with water. Place your hands on the side of the pelvis and gently lean forward, imagining that the water rushed to the front edge of the bowl. Then lean back, as if you want it to come nearer to the trailing edge. 

Now find the center position at which water will uniformly cover the walls of the bowl, then gently lean forward so that it barely touched the front edge. This is the neutral position of the pelvis and lower back which retains its natural curve. 

When we take an unusual situation in some parts of the body may be stress. Especially concerns the abdominal muscles. Take a few smooth, full breaths, expanding the abdomen on the inhale and exhale, relaxing him. 

Virasana like no other posture helps develop the correct posture. Observe the natural curvature of the spine. When the pelvis is in the correct position in the back formed a soft curve. Place your hand on your lower back, to understand, she retracted, rounded or remain flat. Try to fix the position of the spine. 

In contrast to the waist, the middle and upper back should be made a bit ago. To achieve the desired form, send the chest to the back. This subtle movement - you should have a feeling that the middle and lower back related T-shirts a little more than the front surface of the body. Makes that motion slowly and thoughtfully, not allowing the shoulders to rise up or fall forward. Now imagine that the chest is filled with helium and let it strive upward, while expanding the area of the collarbone. 

Draw the bones in the shoulder joints, sending them back - it will help raise the chest. Lower the hands on your hips. Breathe evenly, feeling his lungs fill with air. 

In conclusion, realign the position of the head - it must be located directly above the pelvis. Extends the back of the neck so that the base of the skull slightly rising, and his chin was parallel to the floor. Take a look soft and relax the throat. Let the upper sky moving toward the crown, and the language becomes difficult. Stay in the pose as long until you feel tension and discomfort.

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