Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Additional description Virasana

Virasana - "hero pose". The main contraindication for long fixing this posture is varicose veins, especially in the lower part. In this case, the maximum time of exposure can make no more than forty seconds, but may be two or three repetitions. 

Back in Virasane should be fully erect as in the area of the sacrum before the ribs, and in the neck-stuck "shoulders, chest deployed. 

We have already talked about that in any classical performance Asana to develop flexibility arises predmeditativnoe state of consciousness, an intermediate between sleeping and waking, partly reminiscent of "Shavasana. Virasana very revealing in this respect, as well as to effect compliance with the vertical spine. If the ankle and knee joints can maintain this posture for a long time without feeling, then toward the end of the eighth to tenth minute - if the incorrect position of the spine - as if from nowhere, for no apparent reason there are shortness of breath and palpitations. If the bearing is OK, but not observed vertical, relax, you start to fall forward or backward. 

If the ankles are not stretched, it should first be some time to just sit on their heels. It would not immediately able to sit down - on the heels or on the floor between the feet wide apart, you need to look at the experience. 

If they exist - no matter where or how, excluding unpleasantness and pain - should straighten your back and relax, so that they are gone, melted away to nothing left except the emptiness of mind and convenience of staying in position. Then, when out of this emptiness will appear something - anyway where - should be based hands on the floor, slowly bend forward, raising a "fifth point", and thus take pressure off the knees and out of poses. Then pull the legs forward, and relax them. 

If you feel the performance of poses do not leave, but not increase, you can stay in Virasane as long as you do not notice the increase in intensity or color appears in the unpleasant sensation. If the knee or ankle very bad, then the performance of this asana should first be placed under the "fifth point" two or three books or not too soft. The idea remains the same: to provide a valid form today poses minimal sensations, which then after some time disappear from sight as a result of conscious relaxation of body and mind. 

Arranged in such a way that the ankle lay exactly on the rise, not turning neither in nor out, the heel is straight up, and each foot must be vertical, like leaning on the edge of the palm. "The fifth point" while freely placed on the floor between feet. 

Those who are unable to even sit on your heels, you should do "Ardha Virasana", that is, half pose with one leg stretched forward. If you stay in Virasane long enough (of course, without the unpleasant sensations in the near-emptiness "shavasana"), then there are the curious sensation, and effects. For example, after ten minutes, appear strange movement in the body, it continued somehow to sink in the hips and knees, though, it seems, no reserve forms anymore. 

If you maintain the pose even longer, a private therapeutic effects of its influence in the excerpt from twenty minutes to half an hour (without any tension and unpleasant feelings) is that removed the so-called cluster (Beam)-type migraine headaches, from which you can not relieve any medications, as their origin is connected, apparently, with the vascular system of the brain. 

The reason for this effect Virasana quite simple: at long aging posture blood flow in the legs substantially limited, and there begin to grow stagnation. Because blood flow is not fully stopped, the oxygen-poor blood, gradually getting into the bloodstream, reaches the chemoreceptors of the brain, which "give the team" on the release of vasodilator substances to eliminate the supposedly arose on the periphery of severe stenosis (narrowing) of vessels. The above-mentioned mechanism, launched by artificial restriction of blood flow, triggered automatically, and the headache disappears. 

In general, the curing time, as already mentioned, is a tremendous gain effect of yoga asanas, which can not be ignored. There are some curious cases of loss of control of time in asanas with tangible consequences. 

One day a certain lady (let's call it II), regularly practicing Hatha yoga, discover some symptoms predgrippoznogo state that it is very upset, because at over 37 ° C do asanas are not recommended. In grief, she decided to sit a little longer at least one Virasane, so nice to relax, temporarily without feeling contrary tickling in the nose and scratching in the throat. I note immediately that AI had on the nature of severe hypermobility of the joints. So, it is convenient to the village in Virasanu and soon switched off and relax. When he came to forty minutes later I. was surprised to find that low-grade fever and all other symptoms disappeared well - a little happy end. 

Once my friend the same way to really fall asleep in "Padmasana", although at a very good health. Waking up after about an hour, he was greatly puzzled began cardiac arrhythmia, which then would not let him for a month.

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