Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Virasana. Hero Pose

"Veera" means a heroic, brave, a hero. This posture resembles a warrior in a sitting position. At first glance it seems simple Virasana. Nevertheless, during the first years of practice for many was the traditional sitting position is not easy. Students complain of a burning sensation in the hips, sore knees and ankles. 

Disregard Virasanoy should not, even if you think that it brings nothing but suffering. Although its effect is not immediately pose Hero is very useful. In Virasane we improve the mobility of the knees and ankles, as well as learning to wrap the thigh inward. Posture reduces tension in the legs, improves digestion and relieves you from unpleasant sensations in the stomach. In addition, Virasana - one of the traditional provisions for pranayama and meditation. If it is done correctly, it can stay a few minutes, watching his inner feelings. In other words, this asana promotes awareness, which is the cornerstone of the practice of yoga. 
Summary Virasana 

1. Kneel, holding them together. 

2. Dissolve the foot and rotate them so that the foot looked at the ceiling. Keep your toes and feet in a straight line, pulling them back. 

3. Keep your feet so that the distance between them was 30-45 cm Lower down the buttocks, until they lie on the floor, but not on the heel. Make one or two breaths. 

4. Keep your buttocks so that they are touching the floor. Now the inner surface of the calves should be close to the outer surface of the thighs. 

5. Turn the palm of your hand so that they looked down, and put them on their knees. 

6. Keep your weight on your hips and lift the waist and the sides of the trunk upwards. 

7. Open the chest, lift your neck and look straight ahead. 

8. Breathe normally and stay in that position for one minute, and thereafter for as long as you can. Herewith: 

(1) the body should not lean forward; 
(2) omit the groin and hips down; 
(3) do not let the footsteps left her side; 
(4) do not sit on their heels 
(5) keep the natural curve of the waist 

9. Place the palms on the floor, lift your buttocks and connect the foot. Now straighten your legs. 

Special notes: 

(1) In this Asana the pressure falls on his knees and ankles so that it is sometimes difficult to put your buttocks on the floor. Put under your buttocks folded blanket to the body weight was evenly distributed between the knees, feet and buttocks. Gradually reduces the thickness of the blanket. 
(2) If the foot can not bend back, hold them horizontally. 
(3) If you find it difficult to keep the body straight, then firmly uprites hands on his knees and pressed his groin down so that the body pulled up from the base of the pelvis. 
Detail Virasana 
A simplified version of the posture of the Hero 

When performing this variation Virasana you need a blanket and a brick, which will help avoid stress in the knees. Support is needed for most beginners. Moreover, it is possible that for the safe execution of postures of these materials is not enough. Even if you do not feel any inconvenience in the classical variant Virasana, try to do it using supporting materials - is within reach, so you can work in a better position. Then follow the asana without support. 

Fold the blanket in four and place it in the center of rug. Brick, place close to the smooth edge of the blanket across the rug. The blanket will help reduce pressure on the ankle, and brick - relieving pressure from the knees. 

Kneel in front of a brick so that the legs were on the blanket, and feet - on the mat. Toes should be directed strictly ago, and the soles are deployed to the ceiling. Inner side of knees in contact with each other, and the heels are separated at a distance slightly greater than the width of the pelvis. Carefully lowered to the brick. 

Observe the sensations in the legs. What happens to the feet, ankles, shins, knees and hips? If you feel too much pressure on the ankles or knees, put under the legs have one or two blankets. If you feel a burning sensation, sharp pain or a spot in the knees, dissolve them by the width of the pelvis so that the thigh bones were parallel to each other and the edges of the mat, and then increase support under the pelvis. 

As soon as you feel comfortable, begin to align posture. First check the position of feet. Before making any amendments, make sure they are positioned symmetrically: equally wrapped inside the heel - at the same distance from the pelvis, and ankle are parallel to each other. In addition, the foot must be on one line with the shins. Pull the outer side ankle and firmly push both heels to the pelvis. Place your hands under the foot and fingers send out your skin - so the foot will be less stringent. 

Do not let your feet cross on the side  

Do not sit on their heels  

Keep the natural curve of the waist 

Now pay attention to their knees. When the correct position, they retain their mobility and does not hurt either during or after the posture. Nevertheless, students often showered her knees inward and pererastyagivayut popliteal ligament, which can lead to injury. If your knees hurt, sit above. On the other hand, the slight discomfort is natural - it can occur if you are Virasanu first time. 

Palms send the skin over the knees, freeing them from excessive pressure. Observe the sensations in her lap - most likely, they will be different. 

Then focus attention on the front surface of the thighs. Do you feel stiffness or tension? Hips should wrap inside, and the lower leg - well pressed to the floor. Feeling the strength and stability in the legs, breathe evenly. Feel how Virasana helps to revive and relax your feet.

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