Monday, October 26, 2009

Uttanasana. Bending forward from a standing position

Description technique Uttanasany 

1. Stand in . 

2. Squeeze your knees, pull both legs, lift both arms to the ceiling, palms look forward. When lifting the arms pull the whole body, as in Vrikshasane. Make one or two breaths. 

3. Pull the spine, exhale and bend your body forward. 

4. Place the palms on the floor side of the stop. Pull the body forward, for this lift his head up and arch the spine. Make one or two breaths. 

5. Exhaling, move the head to knees 

6. Breathe normally, stay in this final position 30-60 seconds. Herewith: 

(1) pull out the lower ribs and the back of the torso so that his head touched his knees and lay on them; 
(2) first turn abdominal muscles, the front part of the torso and the diaphragm to the floor. 

7. Inhale as you navigate to the provisions described in paragraphs 3 and 4, and then in . 

Special notes: 

(1) First, it is difficult to lay hands on the floor, so place your fingertips on the floor and use the bars - put them side by side with feet and put his fingers on top of bars. 
(2) Do not bend your knees so that they touched the head. 
(3) Do not strain your neck and chest. 
(4) Those who have dismissed the vertebral disc, should practice Parshvottanasanu, Prasarita Padottanasanu, Padangusthasana and Uttanasanu, pulling the torso forward so that the spine bends. Then on the spine will not be any pressure. Do not tilt your body and touch the knees. 
(5) When the body is properly bend in Uttanasane not need to pull his hands above his head, as in position 2. You can immediately move to position 4. 
The effect of the practice Uttanasany 

This asana cures stomach pain, tones the liver, spleen and kidneys. It also eases menstrual pain. The heart can be slowed down, healthier spinal nerves. If the position to withstand not less than two minutes, disappears every mental depression. This asana is particularly useful for easily excitable people, since it calms the brain cells. After performing this asana, there is calm and cool, her eyes begin to shine, mind pacified. 

Those in the exercise Shirshasany experiencing heaviness in the head, a rush of blood or other unpleasant sensations, you should first make Uttanasanu; after that they can easily stand on its head in Shirshasane

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