Monday, October 26, 2009

Vrikshasana. Tree Pose

"Vriksha" means a tree. In this posture the whole body is stretched upward, like a tree. 
Brief description of technology Vrikshasany 

1. Stand in . 

2. Bend the right leg at the knee and place the right heel at the base of the left thigh. Put a foot on the left thigh, drawing his fingers down. 

3. Balancing on his left leg, lift the outstretched arms up so that they were close to the ears. 

4. Keep the pose for a few seconds, breathe deeply. Then throw up, to separate the hands, straighten your right leg and return to. 

5. Repeat the pose, balancing on right leg and placing the left heel at the base of the right thigh. Perform the pose equal time to both sides, and then return to and relax. 
A detailed description of techniques Vrikshasany 

Vrikshasana - pose "tree". Standing on one foot to take the second foot, bent at the knee, and put it on the inner surface of the thigh supporting legs, fingers down - heel up. The heel should be located close to the pubic bone, and the very surface of the foot and ankle - constitute a single plane with the front surface of the thigh support leg, which should stretch the muscles to such an extent that the feet in them "drowning", but relied on a hard surface. The support leg at the knee straight, patella, tucked up in the air. Knee bent legs are not tipped forwards, it is fully deployed into the trunk. 

His hands are stretched upwards, fully extended at the elbow, so that the inner surface of their touches to the ears. The palms of hands joined together. The body of a string stretched upward, but without tangible tension and bending at the waist. Attention should be paid to the immobility of the supporting foot. When it becomes full, the eyes can be closed, but it will not be soon, but at first can be fixed Vrikshasanu, catching sight of any point in the interior. If the belly completely relaxed, the breath is built in a special way, comes comfort, be so comfortable that you do not want to go out of position.
Subtleties performance Vrikshasany: 
There are two rules perform asanas. Call them conditionally so, execution pozymolodogo (growing) tree and the old. If done correctly, the first option exercises, we hands, head and entire body constantly tyanemsya up, with his shoulders pressed to the ears. If done correctly, the second version of the whole body, and especially the head, and erect, but the shoulders, by contrast, tend to descend down from the ears and slightly retract. This allows the maximum straighten the spine in the thoracic region. 
In this variant to enhance the straightening of the spine is allowed to use the capture cross thumbs, filming excess voltage, aimed at maturing tight junction between the palms. Both versions are correct and practiced in schools. The task of practitioners is to learn both varieties, starting with the first. 
For state can provide the energy function of the tree, as well as its symbolic meaning. Men raise their hands palms down on the breath, gathering energy from the earth, to exhale, the hand sink palms up, picking up energy from space.

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