Saturday, October 24, 2009

The effect of the practice Pashchimottanasany

In animals, the spine is horizontal, and the heart - underneath, which provides health and more stamina. In humans, the spine is upright, but his heart did not lower it, so people quickly get tired and prone to heart disease. In Pashchimottanasane spine rectified to a horizontal position, and the heart is at a lower level. Sufficient long stay in this pose massages the heart, spine and abdominal organs, toning and strengthening them, and also gives repose mind. 

The practice of asanas strengthens the Achilles tendons and relaxes the joints of the hips. It effectively helps remove excess fat in the abdominal area. Asana tones all the abdominal organs, helps eliminate diabetes. In addition, pashchimottanasana activates the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands and pancreas; tones the pelvic organs, and therefore particularly effective in eliminating the female reproductive system disorders, provides a powerful fresh blood to the spinal nerves and muscles, helping to make them healthier. Pashchimottanasana extolled the ancient texts devoted to yoga as a powerful means of spiritual awakening.

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