Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Trataka, listen with a view

Observing children abducted in a game or listening to a fairy tale of which await the final, we can not fail to note their total concentration, absorption of all their faculties, a "state of consciousness" to their normal, no on their lives, which makes them appear even posted their own identity. At that time we fully identify what they are watching or listening to, without filters. They are an "attentive mind" and experience a real and absolute concentration, sometimes the experience leaves an indelible mark in the memory and it is not uncommon that, now adults, are able to accurately recall every detail, with the same transport. As adults things change. To get to "the" state of consciousness, we need a reverse path. Starting a great job of cleaning, get rid of knots, mental and emotional traps, "ghosts" that we created, firmly rooted in their positions, generating anxieties, fears, addictions. 

Clear your mind 

Yoga defines very well this confused state of mind and teaches how to deal with security. It is no coincidence that Trataka, of which we are today, is an integral part of the 6 Shatkarma, the practices of purification. Trataka The word in Sanskrit means "to be set one thing", the practice involves constant attention to a point chosen with gaze and eyes wide open, being careful not to bang the eyelashes. Trataka contributes to the performance of asanas to obtain equilibrium, stability, and that kind of awareness of self that arises from the absence of thoughts, images and all that usually crowd the mind. It is a way to convey the look first and then the mind on a specific point, by excluding everything else. With this method, it generates a continuous flow of energy that, over time, becomes food and refreshment for the mind. The object of the gaze can be either external to your body (something like Bahir Trataka) and internal (Antar Trataka). 

Trataka external 

Both the "Gheranda Samhita" is the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" (the treaties of traditional Hatha Yoga) provide simple suggestions about proper conduct of Trataka. As Swami Saraswati Sathyananda of Monghyr: "We must train our eyes to long so that they can be set on an object (the flame of a candle, the symbol of OM, the tip of your nose or the center between the eyebrows), also avoiding the minimum pulse of the eyelid. Until then, eyes closed, the object becomes an image acquired and firmly inside of himself. " 

Every practitioner knows, from experience, that when running an asana is necessary "to support their gaze firmly on anywhere, without meaning, without any form or attractive, so that the constant attention stabilize the position and thereby causes breathing properly. And the mind is free of unnecessary thoughts. Because of the many distractions, attractions and attachments that most people suffer in a lifetime, it becomes almost impossible to most people, try out this delicate condition of internalization that is not a prelude to sleep, but a sign of stability, self-awareness and deep peace. Making it also as a ring junction between the purely physical practices and those of the mind, Trataka highlighted as part of a merger between Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga. But above all, Bahir teaches Trataka to fix, without assessment, at a point with respect to "discover" within himself, the "after-image" what remains after you have established a long thing. 

Internal Trataka 

This form induces rapidly increased introspection and exploration of the mind. Practice is blind and possibly Kechari Mudra (the gesture that connects you with the space), ie with the tongue rolled back and the tip in contact with the soft palate. In this way, it stimulates the pituitary and all the hormonal system, but it also creates an ideal condition for meditation.

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