Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yoga is an ancient discipline

Yoga is an ancient discipline, an art thousands of years based on a harmonious development of body, mind and spirit of every human being. The very meaning of the word Yoga literally means "union" and derives from the Sanskrit root  means a union of physical and spiritual entity opposite. Body and mind, stillness and movement, masculine and feminine, sun and moon, these are some of opposites that the practice of yoga is to unite with the ultimate goal of bringing reconciliation and balance among them. Consequently, every human being, practicing Yoga, contributes to this cosmic balance thanks to achieve a harmonious state with the surrounding environment and a consequent sense of inner peace and wellbeing. 

His career almost 5000 years, its historical moments, its milestones, its changes and growth are described in detail in the history of this section. Yoga was born in India, but has developed, especially during the last century, around the world thanks to a number of important masters. Yogi, throughout the twentieth century, it occupied in fact to promote their business in the world, opening schools, taking seminars and conferences and contributing to the spread of this discipline and its philosophy in all regions of the planet. Practice that, without showing signs of wear or failure, continues uninterrupted today. Some of these Yogi, personalities of culture and of great spiritual depth, are described and reported within the guru of this section. 

Finally, those who want to learn the location within the historical and philosophical roots of yoga, they will find more interesting material in the basic texts of this discipline as well as in key myths that lie at the base. In the texts of this section will then be possible to find some hints on the main writings of the founding philosophy Yoga, while the myths / rituals you can read some interesting sights on the major Indian mythological characters, which will certainly arouse your curiosity and whet your imagination.

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