Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A rhythm of nature

Slow down the pace to savor the fullness of this is a way to practice smother (“contentment"), one of the five miasma (“observances") that make up the second stage (total eight) of the path of yoga Paternal. Growing smother means to realize that the serenity is relished in the present moment. When we feel unhappy, it is often because we would like the current situation is different, perhaps similar to a past event or something like that occur in the future. The practice of smother us to be satisfied and happy now, regardless of the circumstances. This does not mean giving up our lives change, but able to live fully every change, accepting the reality of things. 

Acquire serenity 

When we are in the midst of nature, we feel more happy, satisfied and serene. Perhaps because the natural environment stimulates our interest in this. The heats of the sun, singing birds, the spectacle of the clouds that gather before a storm attract the attention. The contentment that comes from the mere fact of being immersed in nature can in turn lead us to stop the search for happiness in objects that can damage the nature. The desire to buy a new pair of shoes, or any other consumer good, may arise from a feeling of dissatisfaction. When, however, to appease our unhappiness, we use the remedy shoppers buying items, which we have not really needed, contribute to environmental degradation. Indeed, polluting the air, water and soil with harmful emissions and wastes coming from industrial production of many consumer goods, impoverish natural resources. But when I feel the true happiness, perhaps triggered by an incident that has put us in close contact with nature, do not feel the need to win "extra elements" to compensate the dissatisfactions of life. From this point of view, practice is to live smother ethics of yoga in order to promote the protection of the planet today, also in view of the future. Santos The exercise provides a way to experience the "pleasure" while you are immersed in nature. The exercise also provides an opportunity to truly understand the meaning of happiness and, at the same time, restoring a loving relationship with the earth. 

Connect with nature in order to rediscover the happiness 

This exercise is essentially a meditation to be performed while you walk by repeating the mantra: "walking with smother is happy." The exercise consists of three parts: the preparation, the walk and the conclusion. 

Preparations in silence 

Choose a place outdoors where you can perform the exercise in silence and without interruption for 20-30 minutes. You can choose a path through the woods, in a city park or on a beach. At this stage, let the silence teach you to enjoy happiness. Replace the noise that echoes in your mind with the inner voice of the mantra and the symphony of sounds of nature around you. Initially, devotes several minutes to heat the body and mind relaxation. Perform gentle movements (like turning your back, open your arms up and on the sides, stretch your back and rear thigh muscles). Then close your eyes and abandoned now with awareness of body and breath. Finally, turn our attention to the sounds of nature, as the wind lifts the leaves, or waves on the shore s'infrangono. Try to establish a connection with the landscape and the living beings, and to feel at one with creation. 

Walks with the mantra 

At this point, yet again, in silence, the mantra, "walking with smother is happy." After the initiation of mantra, open your eyes and start walking. Proceed slowly keeping alive the attention both internal and external. Concentrates on the repetition of the mantra inside, and at the same time, observe the world around you. Slows the pace of about half that usually takes dell'andatura when stroll. Note the feelings at every step. Be aware of the earth under the feet of you and caresses your skin. Pay attention to the rhythm of the mantra, "walking with smother are happy." Try to synchronize the rhythm with the movement and breath. Let the mantra you cross and that his teachings penetrate into your body. Be careful what you try and messages that come from nature and the understanding and enrich your experience of happiness. By repeating the mantra, the movement and breath, not only able to absorb the gifts of the earth, but you will feel more prepared to smile. 

Finish in happiness 

After the walk, sit in silence and again with the breath and inner awareness. So, once again expands the meaning to embrace the world around you. Absorbing the experience of happiness ... Natural

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