Sunday, July 19, 2009

Healthy back Yoga

The human body is organized according to three priorities: balance, economy and absence of pain. Balance is essential in every dimension: static, motor, circulatory, hormonal, visceral and neurological. The human being in an upright position, is a compromise between the search for balance, energy and less need to compensate for imbalances. The muscles that allow the upright posture were "calling the static" and are located mainly in the rear of the body, however, those governing the movement, particularly of large magnitude, have the "vocation dynamic." 

If the muscles are asked to "static" to maintain long-standing posture, according to a principle of economy (contracts to stay with the lowest energy), tend to change their structure. Part of the elastic fibers are replaced by inelastic fibrous tissue that creates a constant retraction and compresses the articular structures, particularly those of the spine. Begin to appear as discomfort and pain in the long run, lead to diseases more or less serious back pain, cervicalgie, sciatica, hernias and protrusions of the disc. 

Chains muscle 

In practice, almost all very stressed sull'allungamento of posterior thigh muscles (ischio-crurali). Not a bad idea, it is important to note that the muscles and tissues miofasciali rear, from a functional point of view, are arranged in a "chain static back muscle" which includes the ischio-crurali. In practice we can imagine them as a single muscle that connects the occiput (back of skull) with the plants and your toes. This means that when we try to stretch every mismatch in antero-posterior or lateral, as well as any action and not comprehensive, the results will give little or no global sull'elasticità. E 'as the famous covered too short: if pulling toward the feet find the head and back. 


The muscles of the static poliarticolari (ie, interest in general, with their action, two or more joints) and provide multiple functions. For example, in stabilizing the knee in extension, in latero-flexion and rotation between the femur and tibia. This allows multiple functions to these muscles to express retraction in a less favorable as possible. The retraction of ischio-crurali often manifests itself in an upright position with a ro-tation of the inner leg, often accompanied by a knee hyperesthesia (imbalances little debilitating for static). 

Be careful a. .. 

Supta Padangusthasana is one of the most interesting to improve the chain elasticit static back muscle. Compared to similar positions in feet (Padahastasana) or sessions (Paschimottanasana), allows for better control, thanks to the ground, the compensation level of the spine. On the basis of the foregoing it will be interesting to fix all the possible compensations to maintain the elongated neck without tightening, hold the lumbar region and sacro support, pay special attention to the alignment of the leg or legs raised; avoid any internal or external rotation (the patella should remain perpendicular to the axis of the leg); avoid any compensation at the level of the foot in supine or pronazione (respectively slope of the foot inward and outward), keep a large breathing, paying special attention to nell'espirazione again completely without chest shorten the neck, thus avoiding inspiratory partial blocks of the diaphragm (which also has a static non-negligible). 

The aid of a strap passed on the soles of the feet will allow many to avoid tension and blocks in the upper back muscles (upper trapezius in particular). The most severe back pain, especially chronic ones, are in need of examination and intervention of a specialist, maintaining the elasticity of the chain static muscle can solve the small hassle and stabilize the situation after any therapeutic intervention

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