Sunday, July 19, 2009

Basin on the move Yoga

In people who practice yoga often is seen as a kind of contortions you knot putting your feet behind your head. We can ask if it can be useful to get to do it, and it is interesting to see how we can succeed, looking from the point of view function dell'anatomia more classical asana that requires such move, unusual and difficult to implement. 

The engine of the position 

The stress much more important Yoganidrasana the movement of flexion of the hips (coxo-femoral joint). The also are probably the most influential articulations for static, balance and freedom of movement throughout the body. Consist of one spherical in shape (the head of the femur), which is wedged and moves into a hemispherical cavity of the pelvis (acetabular). The joints are covered by an articular capsule vaguely hourglass-shaped, which fits around the pelvis and all'acetabolo around the neck of the femur. The shape of the articular surfaces allows movements in all directions, providing great mobility and at the same time, great stability. With this strength, the hip is rarely susceptible to injury, both in daily life both in the sport. However, because of its important role in supporting body weight, is often subject to wear, with frequent phenomena of degeneration of cartilage articulate and genuine arthrosis in older or less advanced. 

Deflection basin 

The amplitude of movements is limited by several factors: the strength of the muscles and tissues miofasciali who oppose the movement, mobility genuine articular structures (morphology of the articulation, elasticity of the ligaments making up the articular capsule) the possibility of mechanical excursion of the articulation. In the fall of the hips and legs stretched along for example Paschimottanasana measuring the bend of the river basin, and especially the sacred, the femurs, in a highly trained practitioner to arrive at an angle of about 40 degrees. The limit is determined by the contact of the bones of the front of the pelvis, the iliac crest, or, in some cases of thoracic cage, with the front of the thighs. In most cases the inclination is much lower, limited by the resistance of the muscles ischio-crurali. In the same position in the legs wide apart you can get an angle of about 12 degrees, the movement is at its limit in the torso contact with the ground. In most cases the angle is lower, restricted by the resistance of the muscles ischio-crurali and adductor. 

Loosens the resistance 

In a position as Yoganidrasana able to move the pelvis and torso between the legs, the limit is determined by the real mobility of the hips, at least when the thigh muscles are free of resistance. The angle between the sacred and the femurs can then easily reach zero degrees or, in some cases, beyond the border. You arrive to urge the movement to completely fall through the components of external rotation and abduction, while the relationship is generally not restricted in movement by contact between the bone surfaces. The lying down position also eliminates the slight compression joints produced by the body weight in asana erected, further increasing the mobility. 

The importance of 

The phenomena degenerative joints, arthritis and wear of cartilage in the first place, are often linked not only to abnormal stress produced by an imbalance in the game of muscle tension and miofasciali, even a limited use of the amplitude of movement joints. You can never open a door, over time the hinges tend to be caked in rust, which, in the long run, the movement difficult or even impossible. From a certain point of view, our joints over time is "encrusted", particularly in areas not requested for a long time by the movement. There are many postures to loosen and rebalance the hip, why deprive ourselves of the pleasure to experience and explore all of our potential?

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