Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yoga - a holistic system of training the body to leave.

Using specially selected complexes asanas, you will discover a pleasant source of increasing strength and elasticity of your muscles and joints, strengthening the spine, eliminating back pain.
* Learn basic breathing techniques for yoga, and you should not see with the management of respiratory complications during labor;
* Help your body cope with the double burden of pregnancy. This will not only help your child be born healthy and calm, but also save your beauty and health, to prevent excessive weight gain and such unpleasant consequences, such as hernia and varicose veins;
* Prevent possible complications during pregnancy - to facilitate the birth process, a slight recovery of the organism and the figure after childbirth;
* Acquire harmony with themselves and their baby before its birth!

1. Lay a solid foundation of physical and emotional health of your baby. Another nurturing a child, you become the conductor of states, emotions, mental stability for your baby. Yoga during pregnancy, your baby will make more balanced with a sound mind. Yoga during pregnancy is not only your health but also the health of your child, to improve the well-being and prevent birth injury. During the class is communication with your baby - this time, which belongs only to you. This rapport with the child that you are installing from the outset.

2. Reach a psychological comfort. Yoga will give you relief from fatigue and emotional stress, depression - The effects of pregnancy. Discovering inner balance and harmony with their families. You can fully psychologically prepare for the arrival and presence of the new man in your life.

3. Prepare your body to rodam.Yoga - this anchorage muscular corset, increasing the elasticity of muscles, stretching less than 2 months of regular exercise. Preparing to leave the muscles of the pelvis and perineum, to develop the skill to push and relax, control your body during childbirth, prevention of explosions. Unloading and strengthening the spine, eliminating pain and discomfort as a result of displacement of the center of gravity in the spine, preventing the emergence of osteochondrosis. The breathing practices of yoga are closely related to breathing during childbirth. Proper breathing provides up to 30% increase in oxygen supply of the mother and child. Proper breathing will also help to avoid the presence of hypoxia in the child. Strengthening of immunity - for those who engaged in yoga, the risk of colds decreased by 75%. Stimulation of the internal body systems - cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, excretory, etc. - provides a favorable course of pregnancy and getting rid of the unpleasant effects of pregnancy such as back pain, edema, toxemia, varicose veins, depression. Absolutely safe maintenance of the body in tone during pregnancy, preventing recruitment of excess weight, rapid recovery of shape after childbirth and return to pre-natal physical activity. Attuning with your body helps to better manage them during rodov.Yoga helps correct location of the fetus, thereby facilitating flow of labor.

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