Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The following recommendations for pregnant

A woman can begin to engage in a special program, beginning with the first month, as soon as learned about the pregnancy. If there are any complications, and health problems were miscarriages, it is particularly important to engage in a special class under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

If you are unable to attend class for pregnant women, come to the Women's class, the teacher warned. If you are going to attend the general class, then select a woman teacher, and always let her know before the lesson of his condition.

During the class carefully watch your well-being and discomfort get out of position.

In general, the practice during pregnancy is very different from the usual. The very premise for the other classes - without the full dedication and commitment to the intensity of posture.

During pregnancy can and should do inverted poses, as they normalize hormonal balance. During menstruation, these asanas do not perform as well during pregnancy make sure.

Upturned posture is useful to include in the practice with the first and the last day. However, in the last days of pregnancy by some asanas have to give up, so how do they become physically very difficult or inconvenient. These postures, for example, the rack on his head.

But Viparita Karani Mudra (posture bent candles) can be done to victory. Postures while sitting and lying on their backs, such as Baddha Konasana and CAT Baddha Konasana, too, can be performed throughout the pregnancy. They help to increase the space between the pelvis and the diaphragm, thereby facilitating breathing and improving well-being in general. But we must remember that many women already in the second trimester begin to feel discomfort in the supine position. Therefore, such attitudes as CAT Baddha Konasana, performed mostly in half-sitting-reclining position with support under the back. You can also make passive deflections ago, for example Viparita Dandasanu at a special bench or bolstere. In the second and third trimesters of good practice to include in standing posture. It is desirable to implement them in support. Standing postures help to control weight, strengthen the body as a whole, develop self-confidence, reduce the likelihood of seizures and edema, can improve blood supply to the fetus, to keep the spine healthy and strong. You can also do gentle twisting, such as Bharadvadzhasana on a chair.

Now, about what to do absolutely impossible. Throughout the duration of pregnancy can not be done deflections back from a prone position on the floor (this includes, for example, Shalabhasana), a delicate balance (such as Bakasana) closed by twisting (eg, Marichiasanu III), and abdominal posture (eg, Navasanu). In addition, studies should be excluded from the jumps.

In all the asanas, which we usually connect the legs together, such as Dandasana, including the inverted posture, feet should be separated by the width of the pelvis. In the second and third trimesters should not perform deep tilts forward. These postures should look more like a traction up in a sitting position. Shavasana in this period to perform better while lying on his left side. As pranayama, you can perform simple options Uddzhai and Viloma in semirecumbent or sitting on the anvil.

Particular caution should be observed in 12, 13 and 14 th week of pregnancy. During this period, the practice should only poses lying on her back and inverted. The program should be as soft as in this period in the body is hormonal alteration.

General information for independent practice, when there is an abundance of materials:

- All standing postures to perform drawing, use the wall instead of the horse.
- All poses are performed sitting on a high support, such as bolstere or several folded blankets.
- Tilts forward are not met, only the traction up
- Not made deflections or pronation
- Do not do all the postures and compressive straining stomach (abdominal, torsion)
- Pranayama to perform better in the semirecumbent or sitting on a chair, but if the other provisions of comfortable, you can breathe in them. Do only simple types of pranayama, type Udzhayi on inhalation, exhale, inhale and exhale, or Viloma for inspiration, as you exhale.

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