Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yoga and Health: physical benefits of yoga

The practice of yoga exist a century, and passed the test of time. It is optimal for the human body. Yogic practices allow the body to maintain flexibility and good shape, and maintain its functions in an active state. In the prevention of disease and prolong life yoga practice is unparalleled in its results with other systems. Yoga - is the best of what created the human genius.

Yoga exercises create harmony and balance in all functional systems of the body through the appropriate practices and strengthen every part of the body. They also allow to develop complete control over the physical function and mental activity so that you can maintain good health throughout life. Even elderly people can stop the aging process, because slower decay of tissues, and leveled all the destructive action of age. Poor eyesight, gray hair, loss of teeth, flabby muscles, wrinkled skin, stoop, reducing the mobility of joints and other negative signs of aging are eliminated.

If you adamantly do practice iogi with due concentration and understanding, then the result will manifest itself in a few weeks. Regular practice will strengthen your nervous, lymphatic system, muscles and help keep them in good condition. The muscles of the chest and strengthening the respiratory tract are cleared. Improves blood circulation, and its flow can be directed to any organ or gland without unnecessary strain the heart. Meal will be absorbed better, and its waste will be excreted from the body faster. The internal organs and endocrine glands will work optimally. Spine change its shape and become more flexible. Reproductive function will improve their work. The body becomes light and flexible, with improved neuro-muscular coordination and more efficient metabolic processes. With the flexibility of body and mind, feelings are also changed in a positive direction.
Effect of Yoga on human health:
The body, through the practice of yoga becomes proportional to the size, and there is a natural harmony and functional balance between the various bodies, which leads to better health and well being.
All parts of the body are included in the practice with minimal effort, without hypertension, fatigue, excessive heat and sweat.
Yogic exercises strengthen the weak parts of the body without shortness of breath and rapid breathing, which accompany sporting activities. They are particularly effective in strengthening the abdominal muscles.
Enslaved muscles regain their elasticity. The mobility of the joints also increases and is restored even in old age.
Involuntary muscles are developed and managed with the help of concentrated pressure on them.
Improves cardiac performance and the entire cardiovascular system in general.
You can achieve conscious control over most of the autonomous functions of the organism that can not be done with the help of other physical exercises.
Minor structural and functional disorders can be corrected, and the harmonious development of the whole body is achieved through the practice of asanas. Weak abdominal muscles, curve back, bulging flabby thighs, bent shoulders, sunken chest can be corrected, and their shape can be restored. The spine becomes straight and flexible. All parts of the body acquire a symmetrical position, which leads to improved posture.
Yoga helps to get rid of obesity by removing excess fat, and distributing the remainder of the whole body in the correct proportions. Losing weight is through the implementation of the practice of postures.
Asanas help to regulate weight. If your weight is below normal, it will increase if the above - will decrease.
Formed to breathe correctly.
Blood pressure normalized, and more blood is sent to a larger number of tissues.
Eye color becomes more vivid, and the voice deep. Waist is slim.
Deducing undigested food residue will be more regular, and the accumulated toxins in the body will rotate easily without additional drugs.
You can get rid of the use of tranquilizers and stimulants, with negative side effects.
By influencing the cause of ailments, you can avoid a lot of psychosomatic disorders without the intervention of doctors and medicines.
The high level of endurance and resistance to disease develops due to the proper functioning and efficiency of internal organs, and the formation of internal bodily self-adjustment mechanism.
Even after a long illness practice yoga accelerate the recovery process, as they restore and conserve energy and increase vitality.
Significantly increases the ability to transfer heat and cold, to overcome the pain and stress loads
Yoga teaches the art of relaxation. Tired as muscular and mental, is eliminated. There is a relaxation and increased adaptability.
All stress: physical, mental, emotional gradually eliminated, the body, mind and emotions operate in harmony to the very elderly.
The practice of Yoga and Spiritual Achievements
Through yogic practices, you can achieve advantages such as higher levels of awareness, mental calm, serene clarity.
Duration of practice allows for greater control over emotions, because mind gradually freed from the influence of emotions.
The practice of yoga helps to curb the disorderly thoughts and increase the power of concentration.
Johann, as a practical discipline, provides an opportunity to draw the attention inward, and as a result, is formed by the integration of personality, and awakens a new consciousness. When the consciousness is turned inward and soothing feelings under control, the animals restrained passion, strong desire to satisfy them disappear, the temptations of the outside world ceases to attract, then a state of inner tranquility. Illusions vanish, and all your thoughts, words and deeds that are relevant and meaningful.

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