Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yoga strengthens the press

This yoga pose strengthens the abdominal muscles beautifully. Hold it for a long time is difficult, even a trained person. Do not persist if, together with the stress Press you feel pain in his back. 
So, start!
1. Sit on the floor.
2. Put your hands behind your head, your fingers on the neck, elbows, directed slightly forward.
3. Slightly lean back and lift your legs, about 30-45 degrees from the floor. The back is rounded. Try not to bend his legs. Ideally, the legs and head should be at the same height.
4. Stay in this pose for as long as you can. Good result can be regarded as holding for 10-12 seconds. Breathing is smooth, all the focus on abdominal muscles.

In addition to the abdominal cavity, abdominal muscles, this posture strengthen back.
The next, more complex embodiment of this posture is the posture Paripurna Navasana.
1. Sit on the floor in the pose of Staff, as well as in the previous version.
2. Based on your hands, lift the feet off the floor and try to keep his balance. This posture, you can continue with the legs bent, but more and more correct - this is just a straight leg raise. While it is possible to raise the bent leg, and then straighten them. Height from the floor so that the feet were above his head.
3. Now stretch your arms parallel to the floor, palms inward. Ideally, the chest is expanded, back straight. Try to breathe evenly and stay in this pose for 10-20 seconds.

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