Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yoga for children as a method of physical culture

Nowadays, children are loaded affairs no less than adults. And just like adults, are subject to stress the "great life." The consequences of a tight schedule are nervousness, aggressiveness, irritability, reduced concentration and attention in school, chronic fatigue and reluctance to discuss problems with parents.
Often parents are so loaded children all sorts of extra-curricular activities that the time for physical education does not remain (other than school). A physical exercise to strengthen the health of the child and the normal development is very important. Often physical education in schools do not teach your child interest in healthy lifestyles , by contrast, students in every way try to wriggle out of these lessons. For some children, particularly girls, yoga can compensate for the lack of physical activity. In addition, yoga helps to relax after a hard day and with the ongoing exercises contribute to the overall health promotion, prevention of violations of posture.
The Secret of Yoga
Yoga can help your child restore balance, increase endurance and improve the perception of information. In general, this statement is applicable to any adequate physical activity in normal mode for the child. But many children have no interest to the standard physical education, they can inspire yoga as a modern and most popular among all ages, methods of physical culture.

Yoga is recommended to practice for children from 4 years. Pranayama - A special breathing gymnastics - is permitted for children older than 8 years. asanas , breathing techniques, as are the teaching methods should be adapted to the age of the child. Subject to the playful character classes yoga is a pleasure even the youngest children.
Since the use of yoga lies in the sequence of asanas, and properly execution, should not hurry the child in their rapid development. Performance should be smooth and slow, no need to worry that your child will not remember it all - it is not required. It is recommended to call each asana, then to the child once knew in what position should go to the next. Typically, children quickly (within a few sessions) remember not only the sequence, but also the names of asanas, and the beneficial effect they have.
Yoga - additional development
Asanas help the physical and spiritual development of children. First, during class the child is talking with other children and the instructor (it is important for children who have difficulty adapting to the children's collective - the garden, at school) or with someone of the parents (if the classes are held in the family). Secondly, it receives the necessary physical exercise, relaxation, relaxation from everyday life.
Yoga relieves anxiety and tension, improves concentration and physical performance. Gradually gaining confidence, normal sleep .
Yoga for health
At that affect yoga?
Benefits to the locomotors system.
Strengthening of the respiratory system.
Improvement of psychomotor coordination, attention.
Increased muscle tone.
Improved circulation.
Acquisition of emotional stability, increasing interest in itself, the development of creative abilities, increasing interest in other types of motor activity: dancing, gymnastics and so on.
Regarding the effect of yoga on health: our younger generation, according to statistics, quite painful. Each year the number of sickly children (colds), is characterized by a tendency among young children to the emergence of chronic diseases, the overall poor health. That's why parents need to pay attention to the physical development of their child and encourage his interest in physical education (not for sport, namely to the overall strengthening of health). Of course, a prime example for a child is one of the parents, leading an active lifestyle. However, not all adults find time for even the simplest exercises. It is best to deal with the child. No matter what kind of gymnastics you choose. Will it be fashionable today, yoga, adapted from children's fitness or regular gymnastics - its share of benefits and receive an adult and a child.
The main advantage of yoga is that from the variety of asanas for beginners, you can choose bracing, to meet which there is no contraindication even for people weakened by a disease (Please note - this statement does not apply to absolutely all the asanas, as well as for any therapeutic Preventive exercises for yoga, there are no contraindications). Moreover, contrary to popular belief that Yoga - it's always "twisting in the burn" and "stand on his head," many asanas are available to perform without any physical training.

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