Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wise or Yoga for the fingers

Mudra - an exercise for the fingers, by which activated reflex zones that, in turn, can influence the feel and mood of people.

Very easy to perform mudras can be practiced in any position, lying down or sitting, and even on the move. In addition, they are recommended for children, weakened, sick and elderly.

Originally there were 9 wise, which were used for meditation. To date, there are dozens of wisdom that apply to yoga , the Indian dance (which have much in common with yoga), the martial arts - judo, aikido, tai chi and so on.

But in kundalini yoga mudras are used to enhance the action of asanas: a certain position the fingers in conjunction with the posture of the body. This line of yoga (in fact, as modern course of official medicine - acupuncture) explains the effectiveness of the exercises so that the hands and fingers there are reflex zones corresponding to the human body. The impact on them causes a change in the work of these bodies. We can say that the hands are in this sense "mirror of the soul and body."

To derive maximum benefit from the wise, you must correctly implement them. First we need to choose one mudra and perform it three times a day for 3-5 minutes within 21 days. You can then move on to other wise and so on.

The effect of the implementation of wise should be felt in the form of intense heat, reduce the discomfort and pain (if available in some areas), reduction of emotional tension. These effects occur during or immediately after exercise; sometimes the practitioner may feel tired and trembling in his hands.

Start execution to the preparatory phase for 1 minute: to relax, calm and breathe deeply through your nose, while gently apply pressure to the fingers.

Some wise

1. Preparation: put together palm. His fingers lightly scratch. Keep it this way, do the motion with your fingers down, as if massaging the sides of the fingers. Mudra: stop motion of the fingers, they are completely crossed, fingers straight. Raise your hands to chest level, and then put my left thumb on his right thumb so that the base of the fingers of his left hand closed the base fingers of his right hand. Forearms should be perpendicular to the axis of the body. Through a slight pressure of one hand to another, to keep this position for 3-5 minutes. Mudra is used to increase vitality.

2. Preparation: Pull the forearm in front of him. Palms pressed together. Rub palms. Then right thumb take a short massage internal grounds the ring finger of his left hand (the so-called hill Apollo). Similarly, massage base ring finger right hand (the thumb of his left hand). Mudra: connect the palm. Contact the tips of ring finger and thumb. The big toe of his left hand is on the left under the ring finger of his left hand. The relevant provision of the thumb on his right hand. Middle and index fingers are not in contact with each other, slightly bent. Through a slight pressure of one hand to another, to keep this position for 3-5 minutes. Mudra is used against depression.

What distinguishes the performance of conventional wisdom from the massage of hands? During the massage is the overall impact on the reflex zones, but the wise will activate some of them, which is why of all varieties of yoga exercises for your fingers, you can choose the ones that fit the specific condition of a person.

Using wise is not widespread, obviously, because of misunderstanding of the basis of these exercises. In fact, wise - an effective method of maintaining good health for children and adults. For the implementation of wise children can be a game character, which contributes to increasing interest in this kind of "Gymnastics for fingers

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